Primary List of Released Games

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This is the primary list of released space games from 1962's SpaceWar! to today. It's as complete as I can make it with help from Mobygames, Wikipedia, SpaceSimCentral and others. The original game list is here if you still want to check it out. This list is always in flux as I'm being told about new games and learning about classics I missed. If you know of a game that isn't on this list but should be, don't hesitate to contact me and let me know. Enjoy!

Title Release year Developer Publisher Platform Link
Spacewar! 1962
Star Trek (Text Game) 1971
Star Trek (Script Game) 1973
TREK73 1973
Star Trader 1974
Space I 1978
Super Star Trek 1978 or
Apple Trek 1979
Canyon 1979
Ferry 1979
Invasion Force 1979
Lunar Lander 1979 Atari Atari Arcade,
Out of This World! 1979
Space II 1979
Space! 1979
Spacewar 1979
Star Force 1979
Star Raiders 1979 Atari, Inc. Atari Atari 8-bit family
Super Trek 1979
Time Trek 1979
Trek III.4 1979
Ultra Trek 1979
Aliens! 1980
Cyber Strike 1980
Deepspace 1980
Galactic Attack 1980
Planet Miners 1980
Planet Probe 1980
Quasar Commander 1980
Space Shooter 1980
Space Warp 1980
Star Cruiser 1980
Star Fighter 1980
Star Warrior 1980
Super Trek /16KNR 1980
Alien Typhoon 1981
Avenger 1981
Color Space Invaders 1981
Color Meteoroids 1981
Conflict 2500 1981
Empire I: World Builders 1981
Epoch 1981,_5_1/4%22_Disk)_Sirius_-_1981_USA,_Canada_Release
Falcons 1981
Galaxy 1981
Guardian 1981
Jupiter Lander 1981 HAL Laboratory Commodore Commodore VIC-20, Commodore 64
Mission 2001 1981
Planet Miners 1981
Project Nebula 1981
Rescue 1981
Shootout at the OK Galaxy 1981
Space Quarks 1981
Space Seeker 1981
Star Battle 1981 Commodore Commodore VIC-20
Stellar Escort 1981
Tari Trek 1981
The Warp Factor 1981
Threshold 1981
A.E. 1982
Alien Ambush 1982
Andromeda Conquest 1982
Arcadia 1982
Astro Chase 1982
AstroBlast 1982
Avenger 1982
Cavern Fighter 1982
Cosmic Jailbreak 1982
Demon Attack 1982
Galactic Gladiators 1982
Galax Attax 1982
Galaxian 1982
Gorf 1982
Gridrunner 1982
Kamikazi Alien 1982
Krell 1982
NewTrek 1982
Omega Race 1982
Parsec 1982
Penetrator 1982
Protector II 1982
Rendezvous: A Space Shuttle Flight Simulation 1982 Wes Huntress Edu-Ware Services Apple II
Rocket Lander 1982
Skramble 1982
Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space 1982 Steve Kitchen Activision Amstrad CPC, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, MSX, ZX Spectrum
Space Station Zulu 1982
Star Blazer 1982
Star Trek 1982
Starcross 1982
Starquest 1982
Storm 1982
Super Star Trek 1982
Super Trek 1982
Survivor 1982
The Cosmic Balance 1982
The Crypts of Plumbous 1982
Type Attack 1982
VIC Scramble 1982
Vorrak 1982
XWing Fighter 1982
3D Space Wars 1983
Advance of the Megacamel 1983
Airstrike 1983
Airstrike II 1983
Alien Ambush 1983
Alphos 1983
Arcadia 1983
Armageddon 1983
Astro Chase 1983
Bandits 1983
Beamrider 1983
Blockade Runner 1983
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom 1983
Capture the Enemy Space Ship 1983
Cylon Attack 1983
Dark Star 1983
Demon Attack 1983
Devil Assault 1983
Espial 1983
Ferry 1983
Fire Galaxy 1983
Fortress 1983
Free Trader 1983
Galaxian 1983
Galaxy 1983
Galaxy Trek 1983
Journey to the Planets 1983
Lazarian 1983
Matrix: Gridrunner 2 1983
Megamania 1983
Moon Shuttle 1983
Moonsweeper 1983
Neoclyps 1983
Neutral Zone 1983
Neutron Zapper 1983
Omnitrend's Universe 1983 William G. M. Leslie, Thomas R. Carbone Omnitrend Software Atari 8-bit, Apple II series, DOS
Planetoids 1983
Plasmania 1983
Protector II 1983
Reach for the Stars: The Conquest of the Galaxy 1983
Repton 1983
Scram 20 1983
Solar Fox 1983
Space Raiders 1983
Star Blazer 1983
Star Ranger 1983
Starship Command 1983 Peter Irvin Acornsoft Acorn Electron, BBC Micro
Star Trek 64 1983
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator 1983
Star Wars 1983 Atari, Inc. Atari, Inc. Arcade, Acorn Electron, Amiga, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit family, Atari ST, Apple II, Macintosh, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, ColecoVision, DOS, ZX Spectrum
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle 1983
Starfire 1983
Starship Enterprise 1983
The Cosmic Balance II 1983
Time-Gate 1983
Type Attack 1983
Zaxxon 1983
Zzoom 1983
3D Starstrike 1984
Ad Astra 1984
Aldebaran 1984
Alien 1984
Ambush 1984
Begin: A Tactical Starship Simulation 1984
Blue Max 2001 1984
City Fighter 1984
Codename: MAT 1984
Dark Star 1984
DeathStar 1984
Eagle Empire 1984
Elite 1984 1984 David Braben, Ian Bell Acornsoft, Firebird
Galactic Plague 1984
Guardian 1984
Gyropod 1984
Imperium Galactum 1984
Mobile Suit Gundam: Last Shooting 1984
Neutron Zapper 1984
Nova Blast 1984
Penetrator 1984
Quest of the Space Beagle 1984
Rescue on Fractalus! 1984
Sentinel 1984
Skyfox 1984
Space Pilot 1984
Star Trader 1984
Starbike 1984
Starship: Invasion 1984
SunDog: Frozen Legacy 1984 FTL Games Accolade Apple II, Atari
Terrahawks 1984
The Dreadnaught Factor 1984
Tranquility Base 1984
Transversion 1984
Trekboer 1984
Vagan Attack 1984
Zaga Mission 1984
Zone Ranger 1984
1985: The Day After 1985
3D Lunattack 1985
Alien 8 1985
Alternate Reality: The City 1985
Amazon 1985
Android One: The Reactor Run 1985
Astroclone 1985
Autoduel 1985
Ballblazer 1985
Crystal Quest 1985
Cylu 1985
Doctor Who And The Warlord 1985
Elektraglide 1985
Enigma Force 1985
Escape 1985
Essex 1985
Mercenary 1: Escape From Targ 1985 Novagen Software Novagen Software Atari 400/800/XL/XE, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore 16/116/Plus/4
Mercenary 1: The Second City 1985 Novagen Software Novagen Software Atari 400/800/XL/XE, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore 16/116/Plus/4
Project Space Station 1985 HESware HESware Commodore 64, Apple II, DOS
Space Hawks 1985
Space Hunter 1985
Star Firebirds 1985
Star Fleet I: The War Begins! 1985
Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative 1985
Starion 1985
Tau Ceti 1985
The Empire Fights Back 1985
The Halley Project 1985
Thexder 1985 Game Arts Game Arts, Square, Sierra On-Line Various
Vagan Attack 1985
Z-Pilot 1985
Battle of the Planets 1986
Celestial Ceasars 1986
Deep Space 1986
Federation 2 1986
Forbidden Planet 1986
Lightforce 1986
Lunar Explorer: A Space Flight Simulator 1986 EduWare Electric Transit, Inc. DOS, Macintosh
Mag Max 1986
Parallax 1986 Sensible Software Ocean/Mindscape C64
Psi-5 Trading Company 1986 Accolade Accolade C64, DOS, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Amstrad PCW
Quasar 1986
Round 42 1986
S.D.I. 1986
Space School Simulator: The Academy 1986
Star Raiders II 1986
Star Soldier 1986
Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy 1986
Starflight 1986
Starglider 1986 Argonaut Games Rainbird Software Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum
Starstrike II 1986
Terra Cresta 1986
Thrust 1986
Tommy's Hyperdrive 1986
Tommy's Starball 1986
Tracker 1986
Trifide 1986
Universe II 1986
Uridium 1986
Xtrek 1986
3D Galax 1987
A.L.C.O.N. 1987
Aliants: The Desperate Battle For Earth! 1987
Alta’Àr 1987
Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021 1987
Apollo 18 1987 Artech Digital Entertainment Accolade Commodore 64
Asteroids Deluxe 1987
Bosconian '87 1987
Bulldog 1987
Chronos: A Tapestry of Time 1987
Crystal Quest 1987
Death or Glory 1987
Deep Space Drifter 1987
Deep Space: Operation Copernicus 1987
Delta 1987
Earth Orbit Stations 1987
Echelon 1987
Enterprise 1987
Fire Galaxy 1987
Hunter's Moon 1987
Hypaball 1987
Hysteria 1987
I-Alien 1987
Imagination 1987
Insanity Fight 1987
Invasion 1987
Jinks 1987
Knuckle Busters 1987
Koronis Rift 1987
Lightforce 1987
Mach 3 1987
Metron 1987
Mirax Force 1987
Oids 1987
Plasmatron 1987
Plutos 1987
Radius 1987
Skyfox II: The Cygnus Conflict 1987 Dynamix, Inc. Electronic Arts DOS, Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64
Star Dust 1987
Star Trek: The Rebel Universe 1987
The Rubicon Alliance 1987
Thrust II 1987
Tommy's Jupiter Jet 1987
Tommy's Space Goblins 1987
Xenocide 1987
Zynaps 1987
Ace Invaders 1988
Alien Mind 1988
Andromeda Mission 1988
Armalyte 1988
Bedlam 1988
Captain Blood 1988
Galactic Conqueror 1988
Galaga 3 1988
Hybris 1988
If It Moves, Shoot It! 1988
IO 1988
Katakis 1988
Maelstrom 1988
Menace 1988
Netrek 1988
Pioneer Plague 1988
Plasmatron 1988
R-Type 1988
Revenge of Defender 1988
Sarcophaser 1988
Sentinel Worlds I: Future Magic 1988
SideWinder 1988
Silpheed 1986 Game Arts Game Arts, Sierra On-Line, Sega PC-8801, Fujitsu FM-7, MS-DOS, TRS-80 CoCo, Apple IIGS, Sega Mega-CD
Star Command 1988
Star Cruiser 1988 Arsys Software Arsys Software NEC PC-8801, Sharp X68000, Sega Mega Drive
Star Trek: First Contact 1988
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 1988
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 1988
Starglider 2 1988 Argonaut Software Ltd. Rainbird Software Amiga, Atari ST, DOS, ZX Spectrum
Stargoose Warrior 1988
Stellar Crusade 1988 Norm Koger Strategic Simulations, Inc. Amiga, Atari ST, DOS
Subterranea 1988
Sunburst 1988
Tangent 1988
Thunderfox 1988
Xenon 1988
Battle Squadron 1989
Blasteroids 1989
Dominator 1989
E.S.S. 1989
Federation of Free Traders 1989 Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd. Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd. Amiga, Atari ST
Full Metal Planete 1989
Galaxy '89 1989
Galaxy Force II 1989
Gemini Wing 1989
Gravity Force 1989
Hawkquest 1989
Katakis 1989
Meteors 1989
Millennium: Return to Earth 1989
Mirax Force 1989
Omnicron Conspiracy 1989
Phobia 1989
Psicotic 1989
Space Conquest: A Galactic Odyssey 1989
Space Rogue 1989 Origin Systems Origin Systems DOS, Macintosh, Amiga, Atari ST, FM Towns
Space Snake 1989
Space War 1989
Star Commander 1989
Star Fleet II: Krellan Commander 1989
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Transinium... 1989
Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula 1989
UFO 1989
WinTrek 1989
Xenon 2: Megablast 1989
Warhead 1989 Motion Picture House Activision Amiga OS, Atari ST
Zappa Roidz 1989
Anarchy 1990
Awesome 1990
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday 1990
Centauri Alliance 1990
Damocles: Mercenary II 1990
Darius+ 1990
Delta 1990
Eagle's Rider 1990
Earthrise 1990
Eco Phantoms 1990
Galactic Battle 1990
Galactic Empire 1990
Gravity 1990
Hard Nova 1990
Hostile Reception 1990
Imperium 1990
Lander 1990
Lightspeed 1990 MicroProse MicroProse Tandy, DOS
Line Wars 1990
MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani Conspiracy 1990
Moon Blaster 1990
Onyx 1990
Overlord 1990
Photon Storm 1990
Renegade Legion: Interceptor 1990
RS-2 1990
Runaway 1990
Saint Dragon 1990
Space 1889 1990
Spaceward Ho! 1990
Star Commander 2 1990
Star Control 1990
StarBlade 1990
Thunderstrike 1990
Trade Wars 2002 1990
Warhead 1990
Wing Commander 1990 Origin Systems Origin Systems DOS, Amiga, Sega CD, Super NES, 3DO
Xenocide 1990
Xiphos 1990 Voodoo Electronic Zoo Windows, Amiga, Atari ST
Z-Out 1990
Ziriax 1990
Advanced Galactic Empire (A.G.E.) 1991
Amnios 1991
Annihilator 1991
Armada 2525 1991 DOS
Armalyte 1991
Avina Blue 1991
Begin 2 1991
Cardiaxx 1991
Cyberstorm 1991
Destination: Mars! 1991
Deuteros: The Next Millennium 1991
E.S.S Mega 1991
Elite Plus 1991
Extreme 1991
Facing the Empire 1991
Frenetic 1991
Gamma Wing 1991
Hyperspeed 1991
Invaders 1991
Lethal Zone 1991
MegaDestroyer Frantis 1991
MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the Ancients 1991
Mercenary III : The Dion Crisis 1991
Moonfall 1991
Necronom 1991
Planet's Edge: The Point of no Return 1991
R-Type II 1991
Renegade Legion: Interceptor 1991
Rules of Engagement 1991
Slordax: The Unknown Enemy 1991
Space 1889 1991
Supremacy - Your Will Be Done 1991
Thunder Burner 1991
VGA Planets 1991
Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi 1991 Origin Systems Origin Systems DOS
Aquaventura 1992
Battles of Destiny 1992
Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed 1992
Cybernetix 1992
Earth Invasion 1992
EGATrek 1992
Enforcer: Fullmetal Megablaster 1992
Epic 1992
Fox Ranger 1992
Inca 1992 Coktel Vision Sierra Entertainment Windows
Kaeon 1992
Maelstrom 1992
Pax Imperia 1992
Project Buzz Bar 1992
Project-X 1992
Shuttle: the Space Flight Simulator 1992 Vektor Grafix Virgin Interactive DOS, Amiga, Atari ST
Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace 1992
Star Cruiser 2 1992
Star Control II 1992
Star Legions 1992
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary 1992
Starfire 1992
StarMines II : Planet of the Mines 1992
Transplant 1992
WinTrek 2.0 1992
Xerix 1992
XF5700 Mantis Experimental Fighter 1992 Microprose Microprose DOS
Blastar 1993
Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space 1993 Fritz Bronner, Michael McCarty Interplay DOS
Command Adventures: Starship 1993
Eye of the Storm 1993
Fleuch 2.0 1993
Fly Harder 1993
Frontier: Elite II 1993 Frontier Developments Konami, GameTek Commodore Amiga, Amiga CD32, Atari ST, DOS
Inca II: Nations of Immortality 1993 Coktel Vision Sierra Entertainment Windows
Inter-Stellar Wars 1993
Master of Orion 1993
NetWars 1993
Nomad 1993 Intense Interactive GameTek DOS
Novastorm 1993
Protostar: War on the Frontier 1993 Tsunami Media, Inc. Tsunami Media, Inc. DOS
Rules of Engagement 2 1993
SkyRoads 1993
Solar Winds: Galaxy 1993 Stone Interactive Media Epic Megagames DOS
Solar Winds: The Escape 1993 Stone Interactive Media Epic Megagames DOS
Space Battles 1993
Space Job 1993
Space Junkie 1993
Starlord 1993
Star Wars: Rebel Assault 1993 LucasArts LucasArts DOS (Windows re-release), Sega CD, Macintosh, 3DO
Star Wars: X-Wing 1993 Totally Games LucasArts DOS, Macintosh
Stardust 1993
Uridium 2 1993
Whale's Voyage (Distant Frontiers) 1993
When Two Worlds War 1993
Wing Commander: Academy 1993
Wing Commander: Privateer 1993 Origin Systems Electronic Arts DOS, Macintosh
WinRoids 1993
3D Star Racer 1994
Alien Legacy 1994
Armour-Geddon 2: Codename Hellfire 1994
Commander Blood 1994
Creature Shock 1994 Argonaut Games Virgin Interactive PC, 3DO, PlayStation, Sega Saturn, CD-i
Deluxe Galaga 2.x 1994
Gazillionaire 1994
Hurdles 1994
Inca II: Nations of Immortality 1994
Inferno: The Odyssey Continues 1994
IronSeed 1994
K240 1994
Line Wars II 1994
Microsoft Space Simulator 1994 Bruce Artwick Organization Ltd. Microsoft DOS
Quatra Command 1994
Retribution 1994
Reunion 1994
Space Pirates 1994
Star Crusader 1994
Star Fighter 1994 Fednet Krisalis Acclaim Entertainment Acorn Archimedes, 3DO, Saturn, Windows, PlayStation
Star Hammer 1994
Star Reach 1994
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy 1994 High Voltage Software Interplay Windows, Super NES, Mega Drive, Mac OS
Star Wars: TIE Fighter 1994 Totally Games LucasArts DOS, Windows, Mac OS
Stellar Conquest 3: Hostile Takeover 1994
Super Stardust 1994
Super Wing Commander 1994
The Last Dynasty 1994
The Orion Project 1994
Warpath 1994
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger 1994 Origin Systems Origin Systems DOS, 3DO, PlayStation, Macintosh
Wing Commander: Armada 1994 Origin Systems Origin Systems DOS, Macintosh
Xatax 1994
Absolute Zero 1995 Domark Domark DOS, Macintosh
Ascendancy 1995
Asteroidia 1995
Dark Universe 1995
Darker 1995
Delvion Star Interceptor 1995
Descent 1995
Frontier: First Encounters 1995 Frontier Developments Konami, GameTek DOS
Fury3 1995
Galactic Attack 1995
Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom 1995
Millennia: Altered Destinies 1995
Outer Ridge 1995
Prototype 1995
Pyrotechnica 1995
Radix: Beyond the Void 1995
Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star 1995
Return of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom 1995
Space Empires II 1995
Star Rangers 1995 Interactive Magic Interactive Magic Windows
Stars! 1995
Star Trek: Judgment Rites 1995
Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity 1995
Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire 1995
Terminal Velocity 1995
The Last Dynasty 1995 Coktel Vision Sierra Entertainment Windows
The Raven Project 1995
Thexter (Windows) 1995
Tyrian 1995
Whale's Voyage II: Die ’“bermacht 1995
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom 1995 Origin Systems Electronic Arts DOS, Windows, PlayStation, Macintosh
Zeitgeist: Laser Fighter 1995
Astrorock 1996
Battlecruiser 3000AD 1996 3000AD Take Two Interactive Software, GameTek Windows
BattleStar 1996
Big Bug Bang: Le Retour de Commander Blood 1996
CHAMP Galaxia 1996
Cylindrix 1996
Dark Moon 1996
Descent 2 1996
Emperor of the Fading Suns 1996
Escape Velocity 1996 Matt Burch, Ambrosia Software Ambrosia Software Mac OS
Falling Stars 1996
Firewind 1996
Fragile Allegiance 1996
Galactica: Anno Dominari 1996
Gazillionaire Deluxe 1996
Hellbender 1996
Interpose 1996
Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares 1996
Nihilist 1996
Privateer 2: The Darkening 1996 Origin Systems Electronic Arts DOS, Macintosh
Roketz 1996
Sandwarriors 1996
Shockwave Assault 1996 Dice Electronic Arts Saturn, PlayStation, Mac OS, Windows
Solar Crusade 1996
Space Bastards 1996
Space Bucks 1996
Spaceward Ho! IV for Windows 1996
Star Control 3 1996
Star General 1996
Star Wolf 1996
StarFight: The Beginning of the End 1996
Starfighter 3000 1996
Stargunner 1996
Stars! 1996
Surface Tension 1996
Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga 1996 Origin Systems Origin Systems Windows
Wingstar 1996
Advanced NetWars 1997
Alpha Storm 1997
Astro3D 1997
Babylon 5: Shadow Wars 1997
CHAMP Asterocks 1997
CHAMP Galagon 1997
CHAMP Invaders 1997
Darklight Conflict 1997 Rage Software Electronic Arts Windows
Dead Reckoning 1997
Forced Alliance: The Glarious Mandate 1997 Ripcord Games Orbital Studios Windows
Gravity Well 1997
Imperium Galactica 1997
Independence Day 1997
Independence War 1997 Particle Systems Ltd. Infogrames Windows
Into the Void 1997
Katharsis 1997
Parkan: The Imperial Chronicles 1997
Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain 1997
Raiden II 1997
Shockwave Assault 2: Beyond The Gate 1997 Dice Electronic Arts Saturn, PlayStation, Mac OS, Windows, 3DO
Space Empires III 1997
Star Command: Revolution 1997
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy 1997 Interplay Interplay PC
Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter 1997 Totally Games LucasArts Windows
StarFight II 1997
StarFight III: Within the Darkness 1997
SubSpace 1997
TerraFire 1997
WarHeads 1997
Warpath 97 1997
Wing Commander: Prophecy 1997
3D Alien Invasion 1998
A-Type 1998
Ares Rising 1998 Imagine Studios Imagine Studios Windows
Assault Wing 1998
Asteroids 1998
Axia 1998
Battlecruiser 3000AD v2.0 1998
Blaster! 1998
Chase Ace 1998
Darius Gaiden 1998
DemonStar 1998
Descent: FreeSpace - The Great War 1998 Volition, Inc. Interplay Windows, Amiga
Escape Velocity Override 1998 Matt Burch, Peter Cartwright, Ambrosia Software Ambrosia Software Mac OS
Flying Saucer 1998
Galax Empires 1998
Hardwar 1998 The Software Refinery Gremlin Interactive, Interplay Windows
Star Trek: Starship Creator 1998
Star Wars: Rebellion 1998
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 1998 Factor 5 LucasArts Windows, Nintendo 64
Star Wars: X-Wing Collector Series Edition 1998 Totally Games LucasArts Windows
Starbirds 1998
Starfight IV: Legacy 1998
Starship Troopers: Battlespace 1998
Swarm (Galactic Swarm) 1998
V2000 1998
Wing Commander: Secret Ops 1998 Origin Systems Electronic Arts Windows
X-COM: Interceptor 1998 Microprose Microprose Windows
Xenocracy 1998 Simis Grolier Interactive Windows, PlayStation
3D Galaxy Fighters 1999
Apollo 18: The Moon Missions 1999
Asteroids for GEM 1999
BFRIS Zero Gravity Fighter Combat 1999
Blast Radius 1999
Descent 3 1999
FreeSpace 2 1999 Volition, Inc. Interplay Windows
Galactica: Anno Dominari v2.0 1999
Homeworld 1999
Independence War - Deluxe Edition 1999
Isin-Densin Zero 1999
Lander 1999 Psygnosis Psygnosis Windows
M.I.S.C. - Military Interface for Space Combat 1999
Malkari 1999
Mankind 1999
OpenTrek 1999
Phoenix 1999 Team 17 Titus Interactive Windows
Space Clash: The Last Frontier 1999
Space Fortress 1999
Star Trek: Starfleet Command 1999
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Birth of the Federation 1999
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance 1999 Totally Games LucasArts Windows
Star Wraith 1999 StarWraith 3D Games StarWraith 3D Games Windows
Starfight V: Hell's Gate 1999
T-Zero 1999
Tyrian 2000 1999
X: Beyond The Frontier 1999 Egosoft THQ, SouthPeak Interactive Windows
Xenic 1999
3D Missile Madness 2000
Allegiance 2000
Apano Sin 2000
Bang! Gunship Elite 2000 RayLand Red Storm Entertainment Dreamcast, Windows
Battlecruiser Millennium 2000 3000AD Interplay Windows
Bugatron 2000
DriftZone 2000
Elite: The New Kind 2000
Galaga: Destination Earth 2000
Gravity Force 2000
Homeworld: Cataclysm 2000
Imperium Galactica II: Alliances 2000
Noctis IV 2000
OGame 2000
Operation Spacehog 2000
Orbiter 2000 Martin Schweiger Martin Schweiger Windows
PixelShips 2000
Reach for the Stars 2000
Rocky Racers 2000
Solaris 1.0.4. 2000
Space Empires IV 2000
Space Rescue 2000
Space Trader 2000
Star Trek: Armada 2000
Star Trek: Klingon Academy 2000 14 Degrees East Interplay Windows
Star Trek: Starfleet Command Volume II - Empires at War 2000
Star Trek: Starship Creator Warp II 2000
Star Wars: X-Wing Trilogy 2000 Totally Games LucasArts Windows
Star Wraith 2 2000 StarWraith 3D Games StarWraith 3D Games Windows
Star Wraith 3: Shadows of Orion 2000 StarWraith 3D Games StarWraith 3D Games Windows
Starlancer 2000
Startron 2000
Tachyon: The Fringe 2000
Terminus 2000 Vicarious Visions Vatical Entertainment Windows, Mac OS, Linux
The Outforce 2000
X: Gold 2000 Egosoft THQ Windows
X: Tension 2000 Egosoft THQ Windows
Xenon 2000: Project PCF 2000
Astro Assembler 2001
Battlecruiser Millennium 2001
Conquest: Frontier Wars 2001
Dark Orbit 2001
Darkspace 2001
Dreamstars 2001
Echelon 2001
Far Gate 2001
FurtherTime 1.0 2001
GFID Advanced Place: Project Òæ 2001
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos 2001 Particle Systems Ltd. Infogrames Windows
Intensity XS 2001
Intensity XS: ReCharge 2001
Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative 2001 NetDevil 3DO, Mightygames, NetDevil Windows
Noctis 2001
Parkan: Iron Strategy 2001
SabreWing 2001
Smugglers I 2001
Star Lords 2001
Star Monkey 2001
Star Trek DS9: Dominion Wars 2001
Star Trek: Armada II 2001
Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates 2001
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo 2001 Factor 5 LucasArts Nintendo 64, Windows
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D 2001
Star Wars: Starfighter 2001 LucasArts LucasArts PlayStation 2, Xbox, Windows
StarLines Inc. 2001
Starships Unlimited 2001
Startopia 2001
The Outforce 2001
WarHeads SE 2001
Ace Of Angels 2002 Flying Rock Enterprises Flying Rock Enterprises Windows
Atomaders 2002
Cash Invaders 2002
Chicken Invaders 2002
Chicken Invaders 2: The Next Wave 2002
Cybernoid II 2002
Deimos Rising 2002
DemonStar: Secret Missions 1 2002
Disney's Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon 2002
Drift: When Worlds Collide 2002 Redward Studios Cosmi Corporation Windows
Eagle Lander 3D 2002 Ron Monsen Ron Monsen Windows
Earth & Beyond 2002 Westwood Electronic Arts Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Echelon: Wind Warriors 2002
Escape Velocity Nova 2002 Matt Burch, ATMOS Software, Ambrosia Software Ambrosia Software Mac OS, Mac OS X, Windows
Haegemonia: Legion of Iron 2002
Halcyon Sun 2002
Interstellar Flames 2002
Lander Reloaded 2002
LiftOff 2002
Metalion 2002
Mutant Storm 2002
Noctis 2002 Alessandro Ghignola Alessandro Ghignola Windows
O.R.B: Off-World Resource Base 2002
Project Earth: Starmageddon 2002
Rocky Racers 2002
SabreWing 2 2002
Smugglers II 2002
Space Merchant Realms 2002
Space Rangers 2002
Star Defender 2002
Star Trek: Bridge Commander 2002
Star Trek: Starfleet Command III 2002
Star Wraith 3: Shadows of Orion 2002
Starships Unlimited: Divided Galaxies 2002
Strange Adventures in Infinite Space 2002
The Ur-Quan Masters 2002
When Clones Attack! 2002
ANAL: The Rectum Adventure 2003
Angriff vom Saturn 2003
Chicken Invaders: The Next Wave Christmas Edition 2003
Cunyngas 2003
Darxide EMP 2003 Frontier Developments Frontier Developments Windows Mobile, Symbian, Sega 32X, Windows
Deep Nebula 2003
DemonStar: Secret Missions 2 2003
Epsilon Tahari: Reign of the Machines 2003
EVE Online 2003 CCP CCP Windows
Flatspace 2003 Cornutopia Software Cornutopia Software Windows
Fobos 2003
Foxeroids 2003
Freelancer 2003 Digital Anvil Microsoft Windows
Galactic Civilizations 2003
Hegemonia: The Solon Heritage 2003
Hellhog XP 2003
HomePlanet 2003 Revolt Games 3Map Games Windows
Homeworld 2 2003
Interstellar Trader 2 2003
Juno Nemesis Remix 2003
Master of Orion 3 2003
Monkeys Odyssey 2003
Nemesis Crisis: Operation Gallant Thunder 2003
Project: Starfighter 2003
Space Colony 2003 Gathering of Developers Firefly Studios PC
Space Empires: StarFury 2003
Space Shooter: Alpha Impact 2003
Space Station 13 2003
Star Chamber 2003
Star Chamber: The Harbinger Saga 2003
Star Wars: Galaxies 2003 Sony Online Entertainment, Electronic Arts Japan LucasArts Windows
StarCalibur 2003
Starscape 2003
Transcendence 2003
Virtual Impact 2003 Erik Koenig VirtualImpactGames Windows
Warblade 2003
Warning Forever 2003
X2: The Threat 2003 Egosoft Deep Silver, QV Software International Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
(Not) Just another Space Shooter 2004
Alien Outbreak 2004
Alien Sky 2004
Anacreon: Imperial Conquest in the Far Future 2004
Angelfish 2004
Astro Battle 2004
Babylon 5: I've Found Her 2004
Critical Mass 2004
Dark Ore 2004
Desperate Space 2004
Elite Starfighter 2004 Michael Molkenthin Novitas Peppergames Windows
Fren-ze 2004
Galactic Federation 2004 Radivoj Radivojevic AM-Games Windows
Galactic Realms 2004 Crimson Fire Entertainment Crimson Fire Entertainment Windows
Galaxy Invaders 2004
HomePlanet: Play with Fire 2004 Revolt Games 3Map Games Windows
Horizon X 2004
Jets 'n' Guns 2004
Lunar Pilot 2004
Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter 2004 Warthog Vivendi Universal Games Xbox, PlayStation 2, Windows
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident 2004 Mithis Entertainment Vivendi Universal / HD Interactive Windows
No Gravity 2004
Orbital Trader 2004
Outpost Kaloki 2004
Panic Invaders 2004
Planetary Defense 2004
Pteroglider 2004
Redisruption 2004
RiftSpace 2004 StarWraith 3D Games StarWraith 3D Games Windows
Smugglers III 2004
Space Combat 2004
Space Interceptor: Project Freedom 2004
Space Invaders Anniversary 2004
Space Rangers 2: Dominators 2004
Star Wars: Battlefront 2004
Star Wolves 2004
Starbase Defender 2004
StarFight VI: Gatekeepers 2004
Starport: Galactic Empires 2004
Starshatter 2004 Destroyer Studios Matrix Games Windows
Starship Conquer 2004 Michael Molkenthin Enjoy Soft Windows
Starship Tycoon 2004
Star Sonata 2004
Steel Saviour 2004
The Babylon Project 2004 The Babylon Project The Babylon Project Windows
The Universal 2004 The Universal Team The Universal Team Windows
Universal Combat 2004 3000AD DreamCatcher Interactive, Inc. Windows
Vendetta Online 2004 Guild Software Strategy First Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
VGA Planets Version 3 2004
Void War 2004 Rampant Games Rampant Games Windows
X-Plane: Space Combat Sim 2004 Laminar Research Laminar Research Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Xeno Assault 2004
Absolute Blue 2005
Acamar Rising 2005 Beteo Software and Games Beteo Software and Games Windows
Adagio 2005
Adventures In The Galaxy Of Fantabulous Wonderment 2005
Alien Outbreak 2: Invasion 2005
Alien Stars 2005
Anacreon 2005
Anacreon: Imperial Conquest in the Far Future 2005
Astro Avenger 2005 2005
Cellblock Squadrons 2005 Super Furious Software Super Furious Software Windows
Clash'N'Slash - Worlds Away 2005
Communist Mutants From Space 2005
Crusaders Of Space: Open Range 2005
Evochron 2005
Evochron Alliance 2005 StarWraith 3D Games StarWraith 3D Games Windows
Flatspace II: The Rise of the Scarrid 2005 Cornutopia Software Cornutopia Software Windows
GalactiCards 2005
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2005
Glider: Collect'n Kill 2005
Jewel of Orion 2005
Monadius 2005
N-Space 2005
Operation: Matriarchy 2005
Parkan II 2005
Pax Galaxia 2005
Pax Solaris 2005
Privateer: Parallel Universe 2005 Parallel Universe Team The Vega Strike Team Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Speedy Lander 2005
Star Blaze 2005
Star Defender II 2005
Star Wars: Battlefront II 2005 Pandemic Studios LucasArts Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox, PSP
Star Wraith 4: Reviction 2005
StarCalibur 2005
StarTrade 2005
Supremacy: Four Paths To Power 2005
Supreme Earth Champion 2005
Torus Trooper 2005
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space 2005
Wing Commander: Privateer Gemini Gold 2005 Privateer Gemini Gold Team The Vega Strike Team Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Wing Commander: Privateer Remake 2005 Privateer Remake Team The Vega Strike Team Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
X3: Reunion 2005 Egosoft Deep Silver, Enlight Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Ad Astra 2006
Apollo Simulator 2006
Argon 3D 2006
Arvoch Conflict 2006
Astro Empires 2006
Astro Fury 2006
Bullet Candy 2006
Chicken Invaders: Revenge of the Yolk 2006
Chicken Invaders: Revenge of the Yolk Christmas Edition 2006
DarkStar One 2006 Ascaron Entertainment cdv Software Entertainment Windows
Destiny 2006
Eagle Lander 3D 2006
EpochStar 2006
Fuck Space! 2006
Galactic Civilizations II 2006
GLFrontier 2006 Tom Morton Tom Morton Windows, Linux
GraviTron 2006
Gunship Apocalypse 2006
Hyperspace Invader 2006
Millennium Remake 2006
Oolite 2006 Giles Williams Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Rescue! Max 2006
Rise: The Vieneo Province 2006
Space Chunks 2006
Space Empires: V 2006
Space Renegades: The Series 2006
Star Defender III 2006
Star Trek Legacy 2006
Star Wars: Empire at War 2006
Star Wolves 2 2006
Star Wraith 5: Arvoch Conflict 2006 StarWraith 3D Games StarWraith 3D Games Windows
Starshatter: The Gathering Storm 2006 Destroyer Studios Matrix Games Windows
Sword of the Stars 2006
The Last Starfighter 2006
The Tomorrow War 2006
Titan Attacks 2006
Veck 2006
Wings 2 2006
3030 DeathWar 2007
Battleships Forever 2007
Battlestar Galactica 2007
Battlestar Galactica: Beyond the Red Line 2007 Beyond the Red Line team Beyond the Red Line team Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Begin 3 2007
Blue Planet 2007
Claimstake 2007
Cosmos Remake 2007
DarkSide 2007
Eternal Silence 2007
Euphonics 2007
Everyday Shooter 2007
Evochron Renegades 2007 StarWraith 3D Games StarWraith 3D Games Windows
Galactic Command: Echo Squad 2007
Galcon 2007
Genesis Rising: The Universal Crusade 2007
IO 2007
Lost Empire 2007
Mayhem Intergalactic 2007
Parkan II 2007 Nikita 1C Company Windows
Protector 2007
Return to Sector 9 2007
Romanians In Space 2007
Scavenger 2007
Shadow Armada 2007
SpaceForce: Captains 2007
SpaceForce: Rogue Universe 2007 Dreamatrix Game Studios DreamCatcher Interactive, Inc., JoWooD Productions Windows
Space Giraffe 2007
Space Probe 2007
Space Strike 2007
Star Assault 2007 Kalypso GamesArk Windows
Star Defender 4 2007
Star Trek: Final Wars 2 2007
Starion 2010 2007
Starship Kingdom 2007
Tarr Chronicles 2007
The Outforce 2007
The Tomorrow War: Factor K 2007
Varia 2007
Venture The Void 2007
Via Galactica 2007
X3: Reunion 2.0 2007 Egosoft Deep Silver, Enlight Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Xeno Assault II 2007
xWUNG 2007
Zombie Smashers X3: Ninjastarmageddon! 2007
3D Starstrike Remake 2008
Aces of the Galaxy 2008 Artech Digital Entertainment Sierra Entertainment Windows, Xbox 360 Live
Astro Avenger II 2008
Avoid the Evil Space Eel 2008
Chromium B.S.U. 2008
Dark Horizon 2008 Quazar Studio Akella, Paradox Interactive Windows
Escape Vector 2008
Exoflight 2008
Flight Commander 2008
Galactic Command- Echo Squad SE: Rise Of The Insurgents 2008 3000AD GameTap Windows
Galactic Dream: Rage of War 2008
Galactica: Anno Dominari v3.0 2008
Incognito Episode 1 2008
Incognito Episode 2 2008
Lost Empire: Immortals 2008
Mars Explorer 2008
Mass Effect 2008
Mayhem Intergalactic 2008
Project: Starfighter 2008
Shattered Plans 2008
Shattered Suns 2008
Silent Threat: Reborn 2008
Sins of a Solar Empire 2008
Smugglers IV - Doomsday 2008
Space Combat 2008 Windows
Space Shot 2008
Space Shuttle Mission 2007 2008 Exciting Simulations Simsquared Ltd. Windows
Space Shuttle Mission Simulator 2008
Space Trader: Merchant Marine 2008
StarCannon 2008
Starport: Galactic Empires 2008
Stellar Shard 2008
Stellar Trader 2008
Supernova 2: Spacewar 2008
Taikodom 2008
X3: Terran Conflict 2008
AI War: Fleet Command 2009 Arcen Games Arcen Games PC
Armada 2526 2009
Armada Online 2009
Ascii Sector 2009
Astra Imperia 2009
Bullet Candy Perfect 2009
Captain Forever 2009
Celetania 2009
Cosmic Supremacy 2009
Cosmos Remake 2009
Evochron Legends 2009
Galactic Arms Race 2009
Galactic Artifact 2009
Genetos 2009
Gratuitous Space Battles 2009
Gum Drop: Celestial Frontier 2009
Incognito Episode 3 2009
Ion Assault 2009
Jack of All Trades 2009
Leave Home 2009
Light of Altair 2009
Lose/Lose 2009
Pirate Galaxy 2009
Privateer Gemini Gold 2009
Really Rather Good Battles In Space 2009
Shattered Horizon 2009
SOL-Knight 2009
Solar Vengeance 2009
Space War Commander 2009
Star Trek: D-A-C 2009
The Battle of Endor 2009
The Battle of Yavin 2009
The Tomorrow War 2009 CrioLand 1C, 505 Games
Thousand Parsec 2009
Among Seas of Dust 2010
Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulation 2010
Astriarch - Ruler of the Stars 2010
Astro Fury 2010
Beat Hazard 2010
Black Market 2010
Cold Stars 2010
Distant Worlds 2010
Fangorodrim 2010
Flotilla 2010
Galaxias 2010
Galaxy Force II 2010
Hydorah 2010
Invaders: Corruption 2010
irrspace_chung 2010
Mass Effect 2 2010
M40 X pro A.C.E game 2010
Orbiter 2010 2010
Pirate Galaxy 2010
Protogalaxy 2010
Space Sky 2010
Star Ruler 2010
Star Shipping, Inc 2010
Star Trek Online 2010
Star Wolves 3: Civil War 2010
Starfare 2010
Starfeld 2010
Starfleet Commander 2010
Sync Simple 2010
The Polynomial - Space of the music 2010
The Precursors 2010
Transcendence 2010
Void Hunters 2010
Void Mission 2012
XPilot 2010
10 Minute Space Strategy 2011
Arvoch Alliance 2011
Black Market HD 2011
Black Prophecy 2011
Blue Libra 2011
Cosmic Explorer 2011
Cosmos 2011
Crusaders of Space 2 2011
Infans Solaris 2011
Interstellar Defence Troops 2011
Invasion of the Giant Planet Eating Bacteria From Outer Space 2011
M.A.R.S - A Ridiculous Shooter 2011
Mectabilis 2011
Orbitron: Revolution 2011
Really Big Sky 2011
Spacefighters 2011
Space Pirates and Zombies 2011
Space Rubbish 2011
Space Salvager 2011!space-salvager
Starjack Online 2011
Star Defender 4 2011
Star Opus I 2011
Star Raiders 2011
Starpoint Gemini 2011
Stellar Impact 2011
Sword of the Stars II: The Lords of Winter 2011
The Wreckless 2011
UfoPilot : The Phadt Menace - Special Edition 2011
Zeit 2 2011
Aeon Command 2012
Black Nebula 2012 Alchemic Tempest Alchemic Tempest PC, Android
Blue Libra II 2012
Dangerous 2012
Drox Operative 2012 Soldak Entertainment Soldak Entertainment PC, Mac, Linux
Endless Space 2012
FTL 2012
Galaxy on Fire 2 HD 2012
Gemini Wars 2012
Legends of Pegasus 2012
Longshot 2012
Lunar Flight 2012
Operation SD: Space Defense 2012
Salvation Prophecy 2012
SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance 2012
SOL: Exodus 2012
Solar Struggle 2012
Starflight - The Lost Colony 2012
Star Sonata 2 2012
Syder Arcade 2012
Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn 2012
Dawnstar 2013
Deep Eclipse 2013
Galaxy Union 2013
Master of Tactics 2013
New Orbit 2013
Solar War 2013
Strike Suit Zero 2013
Tactical Space Command 2013
X Rebirth 2013
Zigfrak 2013
3030 Deathwar 2014 Crunchy Leaf Games PC
Ancient Space 2014 Creative Forge Games Paradox Interactive PC
Beyond Space 2014 Silesia Games Sp. z o.o. Plug In Digital PC, Mobile
Elite: Dangerous 2014 Frontier Developments Frontier Developments PC
Eterium 2014
Gran Vitreous 2014
Horizon 2014 Iceberg Interactive PC
Kinetic Void 2014 PC
Last Federation, The 2014
Lords of the Black Sun 2014 Iceberg Interactive PC
Retrobooster 2014
Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages 2014
Space Run 2014 PC
Starlight Inception 2014 Escape Hatch Entertainment Escape Hatch Entertainment PC
Starpoint Gemini 2 2014 LGM Iceberg Interactive PC
Apollo4x 2015 Digital Entertainment Digital Entertainment PC
Centauri Sector 2015 George Neguceanu LW Games PC
Cosmonautica 2015 Chasing Carrots Chasing Carrots PC, iOS
Distant Star: Revenant Fleet 2015 Blazing Griffin Ltd. Blazing Griffin Ltd. PC
Gratuitous Space Battles 2 2015 Positech Games Positech Games PC
Galactic Civlizations III 2015 Stardock Stardock PC
Galactic Inheritors 2015 Crispon Games, Argonauts Interactive Plug In Digital, Argonauts Interactive PC
Interplanatary 2015 Team Jolly Roger Team Jolly Roger PC
Interstellaria 2015 Cold Rice Games Chucklefish PC
Kerbal Space Program 2015 Squad Squad PC
Out There 2015 Mi-Clos Studio Mi-Clos Studio PC, Mobile
Reassembly 2015 Anisoptera Games Indie Voyage PC
RymdResa 2015 Morgondag Morgondag PC
Sid Meier's Starships 2015 Firaxis 2K Games PC, Mobile
StarDrive 2 2015 Zero Sum Games Iceberg Interactive PC
Starlight Tactics 2015 Escape Hatch Entertainment Escape Hatch Entertainment PC
Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant 2015 alistersoftware alistersoftware Windows, Linux, Mobile, Android
Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy 2015 Black Lab Games Slitherine Ltd Windows
Star Ruler 2 2015 Blind Mind Studios Blind Mind Studios PC
The Spatials 2015 Weird and Wry Weird and Wry PC
Unending Galaxy 2015 Anarkis Gaming Anarkis Gaming PC
Viceroy, The 2015 Goatee Games Goatee Games PC
VoidExpanse 2015 Atomic Torch Studio Atomic Torch Studio PC
Void Destroyer 2015 Independent Independent PC
Yargis - Space Melee 2015 PlazSoft PlazSoft PC