Hello my friends, and welcome to X Rebirth! I’ve toyed with this game before, but never in a more-serious Game of the Week format. I’ve been getting requests to do so for a while now, so I finally decided to give in and dive in. In this first entry, I try the merchant game start (as it’s recommended as the easiest) and immediately go upon finding some missions. I protect a station and kill some mines, not realizing I’ve a hauler ship trying to follow me. What? I don’t need that, I just wanna do missions, so I try a merc start and destroy some more mines! Whee! I’m gonna go back to the merchant game though, and try some mining.
I Think This Sums Up 2024 Pretty Well... Hello friends, and welcome to this, the…
"Check-In" Images are All Basically This... Hey friends, welcome back to the show! Again, apologies…
Pulsar: Lost Colony, One of The Best Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…
Still the Best... Welcome back to the show, folks! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob,…
Not a Bad Start... Hey friends, sorry this is a day late, yesterday totally got…
Jobs will Follow Us into the Future. Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…