So last night, we had our second weekly X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter bout, and it was a blast. Joining jim and I were GameRanger users Barry, Blake and Ian, and once we all got on Skype, we went through a few Balance of Power campaign missions, which were a LOT of fun thanks to one very handy little tip (turn “Play over The Internet” off in the game’s options). While there were still some technical difficulties (mostly mine, this game doesn’t like it when EDTracker is also connected), we had a GREAT time.
That said, I’ve created a thread in the forums with all the relevant info for the weekly matches, and once Jim gets his Teamspeak server set up, we’ll be using that for voice comms. If you want all the info on our matches, as well as reserving a spot for next week’s match (which, if no one does, we’ll just make it a public match like we did last night), check it out. Enjoy the video!