Take That You Purple Robot Bastard!
Hey folks, in this installment of NOMAD, I get into a lot of scrapes, do a ton of trade, and then lose it all because I got overconfident. No, seriously, my ship blew up, was rebuilt, and I lost all the cool stuff I’d gained. This game does not mess AROUND y’all. ;) Check out my endeavors in this latest video, and thanks for watching!
F-cking A-Wings... Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob,…
This Worked Really Well! Hello my friends, and welcome to this week's show. Sorry it's…
Finding Images of Check-Ins is Difficult, M'kay? Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…
Please Be Okay...Please Be Okay... Hey friends, welcome to this week's episode This week, Spaz,…
Liking the Vibe! Hey friends, welcome to the first show of 2025! I'm sorry if…
I Think This Sums Up 2024 Pretty Well... Hello friends, and welcome to this, the…