In this installment of my playthrough of Freespace 2, I go through two missions that both revolve around the newly-revealed GTVA Colossus. In the first mission, I escort a convoy bringing supplies to the massive ship, while in the second, I help lay a trap for one of the NTF’s highest ranking officers and their flagship, which the Colossus surely can handle…right? Join me as I fly through the missions:
Act 1, Mission 9: Into the Malestrom
Act 1, Mission 10: Feint! Parry! Riposte!
Thank you for watching, and enjoy!
What is your resolution set at?
The game is 1080p while the recording software downscaled it to 720p, why do you ask?
I installed it and the opensource, and seems I can’t get it to above the original resolutions. 1080p will not work.