Welcome to another installment of Freespace 2! I played this around 7 AM in the morning on a weekend — before having either breakfast and coffee — and I likely should’ve had some before trying to tackle these two missions because SHEEEZY CHREEEZY did I do just a woeful job of passing these. Seriously, what a mess, but hopefully a fun mess, so join me as I flail about in the missions:
Act 2, Mission 2: A Game of TAG
Act 2, Mission 3: Proving Groungs
Thanks for watching!!
Still the Best... Welcome back to the show, folks! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob,…
Not a Bad Start... Hey friends, sorry this is a day late, yesterday totally got…
Jobs will Follow Us into the Future. Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…
I Can't Stop Playing This... (welcome text here) This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob, David…
This Worked Really Well! Hey friends, welcome to the show! So sorry this is late.…
Big Badda Boom... Hey friends, welcome to this week's episode! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston,…