Welcome back to Sword of the Stars my friends! In this entry, I apparently met the Liir and one of their leaders, Silent Scream! They whip the ASS of one of my fleets in this system I REALLY want, Pi3 Ononis. I then build a pretty big fleet to tear them up, but they’re gone by the time I get back. Unfortunately a Von Neumann device is above the planet, and lays waste to my colonizers. Thankfully the rest of my fleet — mostly on their own as I was looking up what the hell a Von Neumann device was — slayed ’em and left the planet open for colonization. It’s cool to see the AI competent enough to do its job without me micromanaging it. I really liked that. Overall this game, so far, is pretty damned amazing, and I’m still kicking myself for not having played it sooner.
F-cking A-Wings... Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob,…
This Worked Really Well! Hello my friends, and welcome to this week's show. Sorry it's…
Finding Images of Check-Ins is Difficult, M'kay? Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…
Please Be Okay...Please Be Okay... Hey friends, welcome to this week's episode This week, Spaz,…
Liking the Vibe! Hey friends, welcome to the first show of 2025! I'm sorry if…
I Think This Sums Up 2024 Pretty Well... Hello friends, and welcome to this, the…