Welcome to the final entry of Protostar my friends! In this entry, I make enough to upgrade both my main wave gun and my shields, yay! After getting some tactical advice from my no-armed friend from earlier, I feel a bit more ready to take on the Skeetch. This is good, because I run into two of them in a nearby system. Thanks to the advice from earlier and some better weapons, I take out both ships, but it’s a nailbiter of a fight. This interface makes combat NOT FUN AT ALL. My neck hurt from the stress. It took too long and was too annoying. The radar is ridiculous, the controls are baffling and it was just a slog to get through it. Thank goodness I did, because it kinda did feel satisfied after that slugfest. So this game…I can’t recommend it to all but the most dedicated of space game junkies. It’s sooooooooo a product of its time, from the interface to the music to the graphics. It’s not BAD, per se, it’s just aged more poorly than other games of the era, which is a shame, because it’s clearly a labor of love who’s heart is in the right place. Thanks for watching this series, my friends!
Let’s Play Protostar – Entry 5 – Knock Down Dragged Out…
Brian Rubin 05/06/2016 Leave a Comment on Let’s Play Protostar – Entry 5 – Knock Down Dragged Out…
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Author: Brian Rubin