Welcome to Armada 2526: Supernova (or Gold if you’re buying this on Steam). This 4X came out in 2009, with its expansion — the aforementioned Supernova — out a year later. Since this came out during the dark/slow times of space games, I’m sure getting a new space game or a 4X was welcome. Now, in 2017, I’m not so sure. We’ve been deluged with 4X games over the past few years, so it’s no surprise that I approached this game with exceedingly low expectations, especially given the feedback I’ve gotten from others who’ve previously played it. In this first entry, I choose the basic/default scenario as the humans, and do what you always do in this part of the 4X, explore and expand (my favorites). I found four colonies and meet a new race in a bit over a dozen turns, so the pace seems faster than some other games, but so far so good!
Still the Best... Welcome back to the show, folks! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob,…
Not a Bad Start... Hey friends, sorry this is a day late, yesterday totally got…
Jobs will Follow Us into the Future. Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…
I Can't Stop Playing This... (welcome text here) This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob, David…
This Worked Really Well! Hey friends, welcome to the show! So sorry this is late.…
Big Badda Boom... Hey friends, welcome to this week's episode! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston,…