After receiving more than a few requests, I’ve taken some time to return to Starpoint Gemini 2 after some big changes, such as collisions, balance tweaks, mission enhancements and much more. The result is a game that’s more challenging, more balanced, and even more fun than before. In this installment I do more missions, reveal more of the map as I scoot around to complete them, and battle foes that give me a proper wallop. Check out the video below, and thanks for watching!
Please Be Okay...Please Be Okay... Hey friends, welcome to this week's episode This week, Spaz,…
Liking the Vibe! Hey friends, welcome to the first show of 2025! I'm sorry if…
I Think This Sums Up 2024 Pretty Well... Hello friends, and welcome to this, the…
"Check-In" Images are All Basically This... Hey friends, welcome back to the show! Again, apologies…
Pulsar: Lost Colony, One of The Best Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…
Still the Best... Welcome back to the show, folks! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob,…