This past weekend, pretty much all I did was play Elite: Dangerous, and I streamed well over seven hours of it in total on Twitch. Check it out, and thanks to everyone who joined in!
Saturday: Gaming with the Gamma of Elite: Dangerous – A Pre-Launch Event for Charity (4:10:24)
Sunday: Some More Streaming with Elite: Dangerous Gamma (3:22:38)
I Think This Sums Up 2024 Pretty Well... Hello friends, and welcome to this, the…
"Check-In" Images are All Basically This... Hey friends, welcome back to the show! Again, apologies…
Pulsar: Lost Colony, One of The Best Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…
Still the Best... Welcome back to the show, folks! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob,…
Not a Bad Start... Hey friends, sorry this is a day late, yesterday totally got…
Jobs will Follow Us into the Future. Hey friends, welcome to this week's show! This…