SGJ Podcast #462 – Fast Travel

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is a Splendid Example of Fast Travel

Hey friends, welcome to this week’s episode of the show! This week, Spaz, Julie, Thorston, Jacob, David and I build on our traversal topic from a couple of weeks ago and this time, we talk about fast travel. I wasn’t honestly sure we could make it into a full-blown topic, but lo and behold we did, thanks to my fabulous co-hosts.

Next week, we’ll welcome back the developer of Beat Hazard 3E to talk about their journey to bringing the game to 1.0, and how far it’s come since we last broached the topic. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please drop them in the comments below, email us at or hit us up on the forums.

Author: Brian Rubin

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