Looks Surprisingly Sharp for a '90s Game. ;)
Man, I’m still not recovered from yesterday’s early morning. I just feel SO RUN DOWN today. Not even sure if I have the energy to…gasp…game. Like, at all. Seriously, all I wanna do is plop on the couch, turn on Netflix and binge some Deep Space Nine.
Today’s episode of Star Control: Origins was a bit of a slog, but it was worth it. We ran into a refugee ship that was stuck, and agreed to help them (I always do the nice thing in games when given a choice), so much of the episode was gathering materials to sell for resource units (RU, the game’s currency) to buy the part for their ship that they needed. The neat thing was that I got an extra escort of out it later, so yay for being nice! :)
Hyperspace Delivery Service, even its early days, is fantastic. It’s as if a developer from 2018 got transported back to 1993 and had to make a game with the technology at hand, using modern sensibilities. What you have is a random sector jumping game with side jobs, first-person shooting, space combat and resource/crew management. It’s like, what if FTL went in one direction in its sector jumping, had Doom-style combat and simplistic space combat? That’s this game, and it’s GREAT.
Have a great day y’all!
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