Opening/Random Thoughts
Another Monday is here, and another weekend is behind us. I had a really busy weekend my own self, and I’m still tired from it. Did a 5K, spent time with the in-laws, made a ton of videos and so on. I can’t complain really, but I can I try not to dislike Mondays. This particular, individual Monday I do not like, though.
Today’s Video(s)
This week’s game of the week is Star Control: Origins, which I had a grand old time with. The writing is funny, the exploration is meaningful, the resource gathering is fast and the combat feels pitch-perfect. They did a great job recapturing the feel of these old games like Star Control and Starflight REALLY well. It also has surprisingly great voice acting. Overall this is a good one, y’all.
Since we’re having the developer of Executive Assault 2 on the podcast tomorrow morning, he was nice enough to give me access to a very early version. Even though I never played the original — a slight I plan to fix soon — and the game comes with a small amount of documentation, it wasn’t difficult at all to get into the groove of this game. And what a game! I can fly fighters and frigates, run around my station, take over remote systems and more. It’s GREAT.
Today’s News
- Avalon: The Journey Begins has launched it’s Planetary Facilities DLC, and has new bundles too.
- Sunless Skies has an official release date! 1/31/19! Yay!
- Helium Rain got a tiny patch which fixes a few small things, following their latest big beta patch. Also, huge news, they’ll come out of early access on October 11th! Yay!
- Astrobase has a slice of their work-in-progress novel for y’all to read.
- Interstellar Transport Company has a new post about its year being on sale in early access and includes a new development roadmap.
- Between the Stars — which, if you haven’t backed on Kickstarter, get on that — posted an article on their visual effects.
- Star Control: Origins has a new article about the game’s modding capabilities.
- Solar Warden has a new dev update looking at both railguns and music.
- Rift Frigate has a GIF of their updated editor, which looks great.
- Celestial Command now will work on 4K monitors, which is good because I’m about to get one.
- Heat Signature has a new post up about one of its new, upcoming features: player story trading cards. They also had another post on upgraded AI, and another on glory missions.
- BlockShip Wars: Roguelike has a massive patch with improved RPG elements, better explosions and more!
- Stellaris has changed the way you can access previous (i.e. better) versions of the game.
- Galactic Dominion now allows for key remapping in its latest patch.
- Landinar: Into the Void got a massive patch with a veritable ton of fixes.
- Hyperspace Delivery Service — of which I’ll have a video for y’all later this week — has a new patch which fixes some small issues.
- Endless Space 2 released a small compatibility patch.
- Solaroids: Prologue has a small but important patch for y’all.
- War Tech Fighters got the tiniest of patches that fixes one thing.
- Not really gaming related, but MY GOD check out these Last Starfighter action figure prototypes!
Today’s Deals
- Steam’s Weeklong Deals has some great spacey games, like Ceres, Imperium Galactica and Imperium Galactica II (which, if you don’t own, you need to).
- Fanatical is having a 2K sale, which includes a few spacey games.
- RiftStar Raiders is having a sale to celebrate being nominated for the TIGA Awards.
What I’ve Been Playing
- Din’s Legacy – More of this, of course. Started a new character due to the latest patch, and am having a really lovely time. I just wish there was a way to find the locations of quests I’m given. Even something on the map. It’s fine though, running around killing and leveling is still fun as hell. BEWARE MY MINSTREL/FIRE MAGE. ;)
- Stellar Tactics – After getting some tips from the game’s forum, I was FINALLY able to pass the boss fight I was stuck on and get to my spaceship. HOLY CRAP. This game, if it continues on its current trajectory, is gonna be something. I mean you have a spaceship, you can land on stations and planets, walk around them all and so on. It looks like it’s gonna be HUGE.
- LOGistICAL 2: Belgium – This needed a patch or two after I played it the other night, but now it’s right as rain, and VERY different from the original. In the original, you took commodities to downs to solve them. Now, you take commodities to mailboxes to unlock towns. It’s an interesting new way of doing things that I think I like a lot.
Wheeeeww. That was a big one folks, but I hope you found it useful. See y’all tomorrow at the buttcrack of dawn for our podcast, y’all. Have a great night!