
Quick Newsy Update Thing – 6/27/19

Excellent Stuff

Opening/Random Thoughts

Hey friends, how’ve you been? It’s been a while since I did one of these, and I apologize for that, but I have good reasons (which you can read about here and here). But for the first time in what feels like ages, I have not only a period of calm to myself, but also enough mental energy to actually write a little bit.

That said, it’s been a very strange few months. Work has been kicking my ass, and losing my cat was just a horribly tragedy unlike any I’ve ever dealt with. This year has really kicked me around, but if I’m anything, it’s a survivor. Now let’s talk about spacey stuff, shall we?

Recent Video(s)

I’ve not written one of these posts since March, and I’ve covered a decent amount since then, such as:

Fantastic game, really? It’s a bit buggy, but the dev is dedicated to fixing them.

Fantastic roguelike thing with space combat and FPS elements.

Amazing space economy game that I am terrible at, but that’s not the game’s fault.

Amazing 4X board game thing that you all need to own.

So fun you guys, seriously, this is a great one.

A really unique spacey (and planetary) 4X that y’all need to play.

Today’s News

I don’t have time to get into all the amazing patches and updates so many games have received since I last wrote one of these, so I just figured I’d let you know which games came out or have been discovered since last time.

Releases/Release News

New Games Discovered

Today’s Deal(s)

So right now Steam’s Summer Sale is going on, and based on what I’ve seen, I think the best deals of the sale are:

What I’ve Been Playing

  • Rebel Galaxy Outlaw – I was given a key for this in order to help test and find bugs, and it’s AMAZING. I can’t wait until y’all get to play it.

That should get y’all up to date for the most important stuff at least. Thanks for reading y’all, and have a great weekend.

Brian Rubin

Published by
Brian Rubin

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