Hey friends, welcome to Monday! I hope you had a more relaxing weekend than I did. I mean mine was good just SO busy. Friday we went to a friend’s house to watch “The Princess Bride,” Saturday was spent hanging out with friends and seeing “Wonder Woman” (which was AMAAAAZING by the way) and then Sunday was an all-day birthday party thing. Just so busy, and barely any gaming in there. I was planning on spending my entire gaming time playing StarSmashers, but that game is such a shitshow (seriously, it’s terrible, I yelled at it, as you’ll see in the videos I recorded), but since I cut that series short (thank GAWD) I got some time in with LOGistICAL as well, yay! That was what I needed after just getting so angry at StarSmashers. Seriously, I was mad.
While the video for StarSmashers will go up tomorrow (I forgot to upload it last night), I DO have a video of our other game of the week, the fantastic Icarus Starship Command Simulator.
This game is basically the love child of FTL and PULSAR, but with a damned funny sense of humor. The tutorial basically guides you on how to use the ship in the role of a crewman thrust in command during an attack, while the game has you, as captain, stuck on a shuttle during that same attack, then recovered and rightfully put in command of the ship. It’s a surprisingly great game with great humor, a fantastic interface (seriously, I love it) and systems that make sense. The combat is tense and fun (especially when you’re boarded), and the progression feels great. The only downsides are odd resolution support (or lack thereof) and long loading times. Otherwise, it’s so great and you should all play it.
Tonight the only gaming I’ll likely get in is some Sirius Online in preparation for our (my) early morning podcast tomorrow. 6 AM my time. Ugh. Don’t ever say I don’t love you guys, because this is why I get up that early when I don’t ultimately have to. ;)
Alright, onto news, of which there is a lot!
- Battlevoid: Sector Siege — the follow up to Battlevoid: Harbinger — has been announced, and it looks glorious!
- Sirius Online is now once again available for sale on the Steam store.
- BossConstructor has new advanced options for exploration mode which look GLORIOUS. It also got another, smaller patch as well. I really need more time in that game, it’s so good.
- Impulse: Space Combat dropped on Steam today and also has a new patch out with a level editor.
- Remnants of the Precursors are looking for translators to help translate the game into multiple languages.
- Empyrean Frontier now has fighter shields courtesy of a new patch.
- Angels Fall First (which we’re playing Thursday evening if you’d like to join us!) got a massive patch on their test/beta branch that I can’t wait to check out.
- Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls also got a huge patch which adds flotillas and more!
- Starsector got a nice update which adds some new abilities and music.
- Navalia, which just came out and is pretty neat, also got its first little patch as well to fix crashing bugs, which is the first bug I myself ran into. It was followed by a second patch shortly thereafter.
- Avorion posted a massive dev update talking about alliances, which sound so awesome.
- Stellar Tactics got a big new patch that adds a whole mess of stuff.
- CDF Starfighter VR got a hotfix that looks to fix a lot of campaign mission crashes.
Alright, now since it’s Monday, Steam has new Weeklong Deals, and there’s a lot of spacey goodness in there this week:
- Inevitability
- Star Trek: Starfleet Command Gold Edition
- Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
- Star Trek: Judgment Rites
- Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
- Imperium Galactica
- Imperium Galactica II
- AuroraRL
- Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
That’s it for today folks! See ya tomorrow morning on the podcast! Have a great day!