
You Dropped a Bomb on Me – Hailing Frequencies Open for 8/30/17

Makin’ Ships.

Welcome to Wednesday my friends! Yay! The week is half over, and with a long weekend coming up (for us in the U.S. at least) I can’t WAIT for Friday to get here. Until then though, there’s stuff to talk about! First up is last night’s podcast, which went great save for a couple of technical issues. First, our guest’s headset died right before the show, so he had to use his laptop mic, which wasn’t great since it kept cutting out. Secondly, the pedal I use for push-to-talk kept misbehaving, so I’d cut out as well. It was annoying, but overall, though, it was a joy to talk to Mark Baldwin about the Star Fleet, Empire, Perfect General and so many other games.

After the podcast, I played a bit of Disputed Space, which seems to be coming along quite nicely! I then played a boatload of Lord of the Rings Online, which was just what I needed to slow my brain down a bit. There’s a big Farmers Faire going on, which returned me to the Shire, one of the (I feel) most beautiful areas in the game, that I’ve visited at least. There were a lot of in-game games that I failed (egg and mushroom hunts, for example), and some odd quests, but overall I had a great time. You can see several screenshots I took here. Overall I had a lovely time, and hope to play some more tonight.

Speaking of tonight, I’m going to record Starway Fleet, since it just came out of early access. Not sure how many entries I’ll get out of the single player, but I’m gonna try to get a full five videos out of it. It doesn’t appear as if my joystick will work with the game, which is DAMNED sad, but I’ll use a gamepad instead, which is what they seem to prefer anyway (it’s the default control option when you start the game). Since this’ll be a review, I’m not gonna be kind about the joystick thing. I told them about it weeks ago to no avail, and since it works in, oh, EVERY OTHER GAME I OWN, I’m gonna say the issue is on their end.

Moving on, today’s video of Stars! has me bombing an enemy colony to oblivion, just because they were in my back yard. I couldn’t even colonize the planet they were on at the time (didn’t have the tech). I also built more ships and stuff. Sadly, my excitement for playing the game was waning at this point. I think I’ve just moved on from a game like this. That’s not to say it’s bad, I think I just need more. It all began to feel very rote, and rote isn’t fun.

Anyway, enough about me, onto the news!

In deals, there’s only one I could find today, the aforementioned Osiris: New Dawn is 30% off at the Humble Store.

That’s it for today y’all! Have a great one!

Brian Rubin

Published by
Brian Rubin

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