Balance is an Excellent Thing to Strive For. :)
Hello my friends, and happy Monday. What’s going on in your gaming world of late? For me, it’s been striving for balance. Last week I got some new SEO work coming in, which is great, but I’ve not really yet had to find a balance between the SEO work, streaming, and actually having time for myself. When I first began this endeavor, I was of a mindset that if I wasn’t working on SOMETHING, be it this or the SEO side-hustle, I was failing. Thankfully the wife helped me get over that quickly.
A couple of weeks ago, however, I made a pretty big shift. When I was working full-time, I did all my recording on the weekends, which meant I needed to set aside a multi-hour block of time to make sure I recorded all the videos I needed for the week, which was sometimes easier said than done. Lately, however, at my wife’s suggestion, I tried to actually record videos on the day of, usually in the morning, and actually have a weekend to myself.
This has been tougher than I anticipated, because it involves switching my mindset and expectations around entirely. Yesterday, for example, I did a tiny amount of SEO work but made sure I spent the majority of my time playing games for myself — playing games to relax and playing games for this thing are wildly different — because I know if I don’t, I’ll burn out. Now, this morning, likely in about an hour after I write this, I’ll record the first AI-War 2 video of the week.
It’s been a weird change, and I’m still getting used to it, but if I’m gonna get into this for the long haul, I have to make sure I’m running a marathon and not a sprint. I also have to allow myself to realize some things that used to work might not work anymore, and that I might need to scrap some ideas for some new ones. It’s been a great ride these past couple of months, and I’m really glad you’re all here taking it with me.
So what have you guys been playing lately? Can’t wait to talk to y’all here or a stream or on Discord. Have a great week my friends!
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