Hey y’all, how’ve you been? Me, I’ve been BUUUSY, which is why it’s been a while since I did one of these. There’s been a good chunka news over the last couple of weeks, so let’s get right to it, shall we? :)
- The Starfarer blog has an article about accidents which talks about stat limits.
- In the world of EVE Online, they just had their FanFest, so a lot of news came out from that, including articles on the mocking of a suicidal player, a release date for the Inferno expansion, a look at gameplay from Dust 514, and blog posts on alliance tournaments, third party development, UK pricing, exploits, and news about their user interface. Whew!
- There’s a new gameplay video from FTL: The Game which looks pretty cool.
- Space Sector has an in-depth interview on Endless Space, which is good as it helped me know what NOT to ask in my own Q&A that I’ll hopefully have up soon. ;)
- There’s a newly released version of Naev that adds new missions, outfits and more.
- The Beyond Beyaan blog has been updated with posts on background music, more overhauls and a successful scripting system.
- According to Steam, there have been updates for Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter, Space Pirates and Zombies and SOL: Exodus.
- Vendetta Online has been updated with some fixes to cameras, groups and so on.
- There’s a newly released screenshot of ZigFrak over on Desura.
- There’s a preview of Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion over on the blog Matchsticks for my Eyes. I’m still awaiting my press copy. :/
- Space Sim Central has a review of Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn which is pretty good. I hope to have mine up shortly. ;)
- Space Sector is having a contest wherein you can win a copy of Armada 2526 Gold Edition. Head over there and enter for frak sake. ;)
- The Star Conflict website has been updated with new screenshots and some new art for a dreadnought class ship!
- David Braben — you know, one of the co-creators of Elite — has stated that pre-owned games are “killing single player games”. At least according to this article in VG247. Seems a tad reactionary to me, as I only play single player games and there are tons to choose from these days.
- In SLIGHTLY space gamey news, according to The Escapist, some high school kids (!) are striving to make a full-motion Battlestar Galactica Viper simulator! If it looks cool to you, you can kick ’em a few bucks through Kickstarter, but at this time, they’re more than fully funded. Still, looks pretty cool.
- Finally, in non-gamey news, the awesome (yet hard on the eyes from a design standpoint) Concept Ships Blog has some awesome designs from Thomas Pringle and KaranaK. The KaranaK designs are a particular favorite, though they look like the Star Conflict art above…
That’s it for now folks, Stay tuned for some more original stuff in the coming days. Have an awesome day, and thanks for reading!
If you had a press copy of Sins Rebellions, would you actually have time to play it?
Is that a snide remark as to the slow frequency of my posts? ;) :P I'd MAKE time, dangit.
Bloody hell, I need to get my hands on the Viper simulator!
Hah, I know, right? How AWESOME would that be? After playing the hell out of BSG, I'd totally try to get it modded for Freespace 2. ;)
Welcome to the site, by the way! Always nice to see new folks commenting. :)
Whoops, for some reasons I didn't receive the notification email.
Thanks for welcoming me, it's always nice to find another space junkie like me. ;)
Oh, and you should definitely try Discovery Freelancer. Just don't get sucked in like I did for 12 months before my wife forced my to stop. :P
Yay for other space game junkies! And I'll give DF a try. :) Thanks!
If you need a shortcut into the game and you use the official Discovery server I still have a couple of contacts who owe me a good billion credits. I could have some of those sent your way.