Categories: NewsDeals

Spacey News and Deals – 11/12/12

I Bring You News So You Don’t Have To News Yourself! :)

Hey y’all, happy Monday! I hope y’all had a lovely weekend, and now are ready to take on your week! A decent amount of stuff has happened since the last update, so let’s jump right in, shall we? :)

  • First off, remember that rumored Valve space game we talked about a while back? Well, according to this article on Joystiq, Gabe Newell mentioned that Valve DID have a space game in the works a while back called Stars of Blood, but they cancelled it. Sads. Thanks to Rock8Man on Quarter to Three for the tip.
  • A whole heckuva lot of Star Citizen updates came in this weekend. First off, on the official site, Chris Roberts explains how single and multiplayer work in the game. Next up, they’ve announced that not only was the Starfarer refueling tanker has been unlocked, but also the Kellog, Tyrol and Odin star systems as well. Finally, there’s a new video showing a test of the pilot AI, which I’ll embed after the cut. Wheeeee!
  • Over on the Ring Runner Kickstarter, they’ve announced that their MOBA-like game mode has been unlocked, and that all backers will get a copy of “A Runner’s Guide to The Rings” as a bonus. As I write this, their Kickstarter has less than thirty minutes left, and just passed the $27,000 mark. Congrats to them!!!
  • In EVE Online news, Gamasutra has an article about how the new sandboxes of EVE and Dust 514 are working together. The official site also has word that there will be some downtime on 11/20/12.
  • Over on Rock, Paper Shotgun, they have some nice words to say about Soldak and the demo for Drox Operative. As they should, if you ask me. ;)
  • The Star Life blog has an update on its combat screen.
  • In the final news piece, Epic Space Game has seen another update with various fixes to cargo bay screens, turn speeds and so on.

Finally, in the deal column, Miner Wars 2081 is half-off right now at Desura, going for $6.25, which is pretty dang good!

That’s it for today friends! I hope y’all have a lovely day and week ahead! Thanks for visitng!

Brian Rubin

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Brian Rubin

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