Spacey News and Dealies 2/28/14: The Where-The-Hell-Did-February-Go Edition…
So Many Pieces of News…
Hello my friends, and happy Friday! It’s been a busy week here, but the news has been piling up, so I thought I’d close out the work week with the latest batch of space game news. Let’s do this!
Infinite Space 3 – A new developement update has been released with more gameplay footage covering ship usage, galaxy generation and more!
The Mandate – The devs have a new update on Kickstarter showing off a bunch of new screenshots covering new hallways and rooms and so on. It looks great!
Starpoint Gemini 2 – There’s a massive new update for the game along with a new hero contest where you can create your own in-game character.
Star Lords – Star Lords also got a pretty big update, which adds a new game creation screen, plenty of bug fixes and more.
Line of Defense Tactics – This game out recently, and I still need to get myself a copy, but there’s already a review of it over on for y’all to check out.
Approaching Infinity – A new update over on Kickstarter tells us that the main quests are eighty percent complete, and includes a bunch of screenshots for us to gawk at.
EVE Online – The Mittani is reporting that EVE is underoing a DDOS attack, not sure if it’s been resolved as I write this however. New-to-me site Play The Past also has a microhistory of the game, as they call it.
GoD Wingman Factory – There’s a new post which has an early look at the cockpit view of an Arblos alien fighter craft.
Star Trek: Armada 3 – This amazing mod for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (sorry, it’s not a new sequel to the original game) has finally reached 1.0 status, so if you don’t have it yet, get it.
X Rebirth – A massive press release went out detailing a bunch of new fixes for the game, along with a new video showing some of them off (which will be embedded below). It adds features such as…*giggle*…targeting…
New Games – Thanks to a variety of sources, I’ve discovered some new games recently that I wanted to share with y’all, so I’ll link to the sources through which I found ’em rather than their official sites. ;) These include Cosmonautica, Habitat, Astro War, Space Run and Planets3. They all look cool, so check ’em out.
But wait, we’re not done, we have some sales! GamersGate is selling the aforementioned Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion for $19.98, but it’s been cheaper elsewhere so you might wanna wait. You can then get Gimbal in the Indie Royale Pancake Bundle and the AI War collection in Bundle Stars’ Fusion Bundle. Finally, DotEmu has a massive anniversary sale going on with too much stuff to list here.