Haaaayyyy y’all, happy hump day! I hope y’all are having a lovely day so far, and to add to that, here’s some spacey news stuffness for y’all to enjoy!
- There are two big news stories of the day, as far as I’m concerned. The first big news is that the Star Citizen Kickstarter blew past is $500,000 funding goal in just six days! Congrats to them!! In related news, Massively has an interview with Chris Roberts regarding boarding, customization and so on, and the official site has a new NewsOrg story.
- The OTHER big news story, in my opinion, is that the Freespace 2 Open folks over on Hard Light have released the latest version of their enhancements, version 3.6.14! YAY!! This adds a whole host of improvements, so go on and update your copy of Freespace 2! ;)
- The Strike Suit Zero folks have released a new Kickstarter update trying to clarify what’s in each of their reward tiers.
- Over on the FleetCOMM : Operation VigriorKickstarter, they’ve announced that they’re going to be updating their builds daily for the IGF submission process, and you can download the latest version of the game by clicking the link on the Kickstarter page each day.
- Also on Kickstarter, the folks behind Ring Runner have released a new demo! This one adds a new research feature, as well as new equipment and abilities. I got a chance to finally sit down and try it out for a few minutes last night, and I had a great time. Really fast and furious combat. :)
- Also on Kickstarter — yeeesh, they should have their own news aggregation service for these updates. RSS feeds at least! C’mon! ;) — Dirkson of ScrumbleShip has begun sending out keys for the beta of the game. I totally got mine, and also tried it out last night. I was a bit confused, but it looks like it has a lot of potential. ;)
- Finally, according to a press release, the Kickstarter for Divine Space — which isn’t on PC/Mac yet but will if their funding is successful — have reached 10% of their funding goal with 29 days left. Good luck to ’em! :)
- On the EVE Online news page, they’ve announced they’re taking signups for the New Eden $10,000 tournament.
- Over on Space Sector, Adam has an interview with the developer of M.O.R.E. which is a great read.
- Finally, in sadder news, according to an article on Rock, Paper Shotgun, the folks behind Battlestar Galactica Online, Bigpoint, has laid off 120 people, and I hope they all find jobs soon.
That’s it for today! Have a wonderful day y’all!