Spacey Gamey Newsies & Dealsies 4/11-17/13: The Freaking Finally Edition
Helllllloooooo my wonderful awesome friends! I’m back! I think! *checks* Yes, I’m back! Sorry for the lack of news posts, got surprisingly busy all over the place and just didn’t have the time. I do now though, yay! There’s a lot to go over, so let’s dive in, it’s all warm and stuff! ;)
EVE Online – On the official site, they have a video of true stories from the first decade of the game (which will be embdedded below). The Mittani has articles on cruise missile fixes, mission fixes and news about an alliance slapfight.
Drox Operative – The big news is MOD TOOLS! Yay! There’s also a new patch that fixes trade requests and other things.
StarMade – Several updates include news on server crashes, a custom docking area, wedge shapes, faction options and other bugfixes.
Stars of Call – According to a post on our very own forum, there’s a new version of this nifty Naev total conversion.
Infinity – There’s a HUGE update on planetary engine improvements, which looks FANTASTIC. Can they FINALLY release this thing please? ;)
Kerbal Space Program – As reported by Eurogamer, there was some confusion and outcry over the notion of paid expansions for the game. This was thankfully dealt with by a post from the devs on their blog.
Void of Darkness – The dev has begun writing the dialog for all the alien races, apparently.
And Here the Wheel – There’s a new podcast episode for y’all to listen to. :)
Elite: Dangerous – There’s a new Fiction Diary for the game on YouTube, as well as embedded below.
Galactic Patrol 2013 – There’s a new Kickstarter for this game that has the blessings of the original Galactic Patrol folks. Go check it out.
Joystick Required – This was a space game news site run by a Jumpgate colleague of mine back in the day, and it’s back, so go check it out and say hello!
Strike Vector – This is spacey enough to warrant inclusion. Just go watch this trailer. Seriously, watch it.
AI War – There’s a new patch called “Nebulous Diligence” which works to improve the AI.
We’re not done yet folks! We have DEALS too!! Let’s do this!
Space Pirates and Zombies is on sale at GMG for $5.08
Beat Hazard EVERYTHING is part of the latest Indie Gala weekly bundle, and you can get all of it f or $1.87, which is a FREAKING steal people.