Hey y’all, welcome to Friday! With the weekend almost upon us, it’s time for our final round of news for the week! Let’s take a look at what’s going on, shall we? ;)
- The big news of the day is that the Kickstarter for Strike Suit Zero has past their funding goal of $100,000!! Congrats to them! According to a Tweet from Jamin Smith, a pledge from the lead designer of Assassin’s Creed 3, Steve Masters, pushed them over the line.
- The races page on the Drox Operative website has been updated with info for two more races in the game, the Humans and the Shadow. Also, according to a post on Soldak’s Facebook, the next patch will include bounty hunters that can hunt Operatives! Cool! Edit: The patch is out! Read about the changes here! Yay!
- Even though we talked about the release date for Miner Wars 2081 yesterday, Rock, Paper Shotgun has a nice writeup about it.
- Finally in the news, the Star Citizen Kickstarter has been updated with a small Q&A about the Xi’An, a recently revealed alien race in the game.
Now, in terms of sales, GOG is having a Massive EA Selection sale this weekend, which includes spacey classics such as:
- Wing Commander 1+2 for $2.39
- Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger for $2.39
- Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom for $2.39
- Wing Commander: Privateer for $2.39
- and Starflight 1+2 for $2.39
Which are all just dang amazing deals. If you don’t, for some WACKY reason, already own these, this is a great time to snag some of the best space gaming ever. The final deal is over on Steam, where you can get the just-released-over-there Gemini Wars for $15.99.
Finally, in non-gaming news, there are some lovely ship designs over on the Concept Ships blog from Tom McDowell.
And that’s it for today folks. I hope y’all have a lovely weekend and get some fun spacey gaming in. :)