Haaaaaaaaaaaayyyy guys, how are ya? Sorry I’ve not posted the news in a while, but REAL LIFE OMG. I saved over 100 news pieces in Pocket, then realized it would take foreeeeeever to put ’em all together, so rather than feel crushed under that weight, I’m gonna give y’all just the big importanty stuff for now and then start fresh on the morrow. ;) Sorry to folks whose news I might’ve missed as a result of this news culling, but I felt it had to be done. This will help me get back on the horse a bit more quickly and resume normal content posting with a clear head, heart and mind. ;) Now, on wish the show!
- Ring Runner – This awesome game finally came out, and you can buy it allllll over the place (except Steam at the moment, sadly). I’ve been playing with the final, and it’s fuuuuuun, so expect a review soon…ish. ;)
- Drox Operative – The Invasion of the Ancients expansion pack is now available for pre-order, which gets you a copy of the beta. I’ve put in an hour or so and so far I am really digging it. I am kinda biased though. ;)
- Homeworld – According to IGN (via Blues), Gearbox has announced at PAX Australia that they’ll be releasing HD digital versions of Homeworld and Homeworld 2 (yay!). No word as to what the heck happened to Cataclysm (boo!), but hopefully that one will join the digital revolution someday.
Finally, we have a deal today (if the recent Steam sale wasn’t enough for your poor wallet). The Bundle Stars current bundle includes Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD, Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space and a bunch of other non-spacey games for just under $5 as I write this, which is a FREAKING STEAL people, so jump on it if you don’t already have these.
That’s it for today folks. Thanks for reading, as well as your patience and patronage. :) Have an awesome day!
You know what’s funny? Your rss feed is in my newsreader and it like you use some kind of template for opening posts. It goes something like this: “[insert greating], sorry I didn’t post for [insert some form of time frame], [insert reason for not writing posts].”.
Please don’t let my comment stop you from doing that, it makes me giggle every time. Keep it up!
Heh, big believer in honesty and transparency is all. ;)
AFAIK, cataclysm was not part of the IP deal. It has been developed by Barking Dog studios not Relic. Remember posting about our awesome video next time :P
Speaking of Homeworld.