Spacey Gamey News and Deals – 11/22-25/12

News Satellite Dish
Bring On the News!

Hey y’all, happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great weekend (or in our case here in the U.S., a long holiday weekend)! A lot happened over the long weekend and while I don’t usually post on Sundays, some of this is time sensitive. Therefore, let’s get the week started with a ton of spacey gamey news! Remember, all videos that can be embedded will be after the cut.

  • There are some Dominion updates over on Kickstarter, including both a screenshot and video of their planetary shader.
  • There’s also a new video showing off station building in Deep Space Settlement that’s pretty cool.
  • ScrumbleShip has been updated to version 0.19with a “ton of backend changes” such as allowing development on Macs and so on.
  • Predestination has updated its Kickstarter with a small FAQ and a look at planetary customization. There’s also an interview with the developer over on 4xgamer.
  • The Blockade Runner site has been updated with screenshots of its recent ship conversions, which look pretty cool.
  • Vendetta Online has been upgraded to 1.8.237, which includes enhanced password security, fixes for video options and more.
  • Space Sector has two articles regarding StarDrive. First, an interview with the developer, followed by news of pre-orders beginning in early 2013.
  • Starfarer has been updated to 0.54a, with new character skills and aptitudes, a redesigned fleet interface and so on.
  • VG247 has an interesting interview with David Braben regarding Elite: Dangerous. Their Kickstarter also has some new FAQ entries, as well as a development video…finally.
  • There’s a fun AAR of Distant Worlds going on on Broken Forum in which the player is using the Star Trek – Picard Era Mod mod to play the Ferengi. Good stuff.
  • There’s a new patch for Star Conflict that updates the matchmaking and changes the battle rewards systems.
  • There’s a new website up for the upcoming EVE Online: Retribution expansion showing many of the new features.
  • There’s a new patch for Drox Operative which allows buying a temporary ceasefire between warring races, among other things.
  • Finally in spacey gamey news, you can now get Miner Wars 2081 on Steam, and if you purchased the game already, you can get a Steam key by logging into your account on the official Miner Wars 2081 site.

In other news, Cliff Harris has a great article on Kickstarter inequality which is totally worth a read. In non-gamey news, the lead dev of Beyond Beyaan has a life update, and there are some lovely Halo 4 ship drawings over on the Concept Ships blog. In bargains, there’s a new Fueling Up bundle over on GamersGate which includes Aeon Command and Space Pirates and Zombies.

Finally, the devs behind the Interstellar Marines: Prologue Kickstarter asked me to promote their campaign, and while it’s not a spacey game, I’m happy to help as much as I can.

That’s it folks. Have a great day, and thanks for visiting!

Author: Brian Rubin

5 thoughts on “Spacey Gamey News and Deals – 11/22-25/12

  1. It might be worth mentioning that the Kickstarter campaign for the god game Maia just passed the funding limit. It is now racing toward the second stretch goal, a single-player campaign.

  2. Missed the news of that Starfarer update before now, so I’m glad I check the news here! Been wanting to see how the character skills factor into the existing game, and that improved fleet interface should prove useful. Still looking forward to the day we can go beyond Corvus, though!

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