Spacey Game Newsies and Dealsies 8/8-9/13: The OMG-X-Rebirth-Has-A-Release-Date-Finally Edition ;)
Helllooooo my friends, and happy Friday! I hope y’all had a great week and are looking forward to a fantastic weekend! I know I’m gonna get some gaming time in my own self, finally, so I’m really looking forward to it my own self. Until then, there’s some news to get out of the way, including some biggies, such as…
Distant Worlds: Shadows – A massive new patch for the game has been released that, among other things, adds empire corruption to the pirate empires! SWEET!
Endless Space – A new beta patch has been released which does various stuff.
EVE Online – Over on The Mittani, after an update on the ongoing Providence War, news came down that the war has ended in a cease fire. There’s also news that TEST’s capital ship fleet was destroyed by Black Leigon. Wow, lots of drama in there. Beyond the drama, there’s also a spotlight article on hisec mercenaries.
Wayfarer: The Outer Reaches – This game was announced in the latest round of games to be greenlit on Steam! Congrats to the developers!
Horizon – Over on YouTube, user malkuth1974 has a new Let’s Play video of the game in action, which reminds me that I need to return to it soon. This will also be embedded below.
Star Trek Online – The latest Legacy of Romulus dev blog is up looking at a dilithium mine project. They’ll also be having a Summer giveaway next week wherein you can get items in the C-Store. Wheee!
Universal Civilization – I have never heard of this game before, but it just popped up on Desura. I have no idea if it’s final or in development, but I’ll likely give it a look soon.
And Here the Wheel – Apparently the first draft of this Elite: Dangerous novel is done!
We’re not done yet folks, we have deals! First up, Gamestop is having a Stardock Entertainment sale which includes deals on all of their games including the usual spacey subjects (I’m low on time and you know who I mean ;). Then, both Strike Suit Zero (and its associated DLC) and Strike Suit Infinity are on sale on Steam.
Next, in kinda-related news, Camel101 — the folks who made Gemini Wars — launched their Kickstarter for their new non-spacey tactical game, Black Talons. Finally, in not-at-all-related news, the dev for the currently Kickstarting game Smart Q45, which is some sort of mobile puzzle game, wrote me a really nice email asking me to promote his game, so there ya go.