Spacey Game Newsies and Dealsies 6/27-28/13: The OMFG-IT’S-FINALLY-F%^&ING-FRIDAY Edition
Freaking Yay! News!
Hellllooooo friends, and happy Friday! What a freaking WEEK this has been, so busy and full of stuff, yet I am so, SO thrilled its over. I’ll likely not get any gaming time this weekend since I’ll be in San Diego for a Transformers convention (yeah, I’m one of THOSE people ;), but I’ve gotten some good gaming in lately, what about you guys? We have some fun news and deals to finish off the week, so let’s dive in!
Ring Runner – According to a press release, the game will be available finally on July 9th! Yay! If you’ve don’t know why I’m excited, check out our podcast with the lead dev. :)
Retrobooster – Terry, the lead programmer, wrote in to mention that tomorrow there’s going to be this day-long thingy called The Greenlight Supershow which showcases several games that are on greenlight including this one, Syder Arcade and GoD Factory: Wingmen. Check it out if you can, Retrobooster will be on at 10:30 PM, Syder Arcade will be on at 11:30 AM, and GoD Factory: Wingmen will be on at 5:30 PM, all Eastern time. If I was gonna be at home tomorrow, I’d totally tune in, but alas…
Outer Wilds – Thanks to Therlun over on Broken Forum for the lead on this one. It looks like a space exploration game, but the twist is that the universe resets every 20 minutes except for your character. Love that, so I have to try it, as do you all, since y’all can download it. ;)
Enemy Starfighter – New update, yay! This one includes some screenshots of the game’s terrain generator. Waaaaant.
Star Trek Online – The latest Summer Event is now live, and focuses on the newly-released Risian resort island. Man, Risa is always trouble, I’d stay away…
Galactose – Seems like they took our advice and posted an update! This time we get to see new art! Yay!
Freespace Open – The folks at Hard Light are having a modding contest, and they’ve now opened it to first-time modders, so go check it out!
That’s not all folks, we have some deals on Steam today, which include:
Space Pirates and Zombies can be played for FREE this weekend on Steam, and is freaking 80% off at only $1.99. If you’ve not played this gem of a game, GO AND DO SO NOW.
Endless Space is having a weekend deal in Steam, and you can get the base game for $10.19 and with the new Disharmony expansion for $17.49.
StarDrive is the daily deal on Steam today, and you can get it for 50% off at $14.99.
In related news, Space Sector has an article on the technology behind making a 4X game. Then, Brent of Beyond Beyaan fame wrote in to let us know thats some folks at American Southern University have launched the “Save Atari” project which strives to raise money through IndieGoGo to acquire the various properties on sale from Atari through it’s bankruptcy proceedings. It’ll be interesting to keep an eye on this one.
Finally, in kinda-related stuff, the dev behind the Race to Mars Kickstarter wrote in and asked me to help pimp their project, so there ya go. ;)