Spacey Game News and Dealsies 6/1-6/13: The Lawdy-Lawd-I’m-Tired Edition
Bringin’ It Newsy Style.
Heyyyyy guys! Me again (who else would it be, really?)! Been a CRAZY week, which is why I’m just getting to the news just now, and holy crap there’s a ton of it. I actually had to take a break in the middle of writing this just to eat a little something, because it was THAT INTENSE you guys! ;) Enjoy!
Drox Operative – The expansion has finall been named! It’s titled Invasion of the Ancients and it has a ton of stuff, like ancient race invasions, space stations, a new race and more! YAY!
AI War – The next expansion, Vengeance of the Machine, will be available for pre-order soon! Yay! I keep saying this, but I need to dive into this game. There’s also a new patch entitled “Activating Vengeful Sanding Machine” which adds a boatload of stuff to the game.
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion – While not a whole expansion, the first DLC pack for the game, Forbidden Worlds, is now available for $4.99, and adds new planets, new research and more!
Void Destroyer – The Kickstarter campaign is in full swing, and Paul has put out no-less than fifteen updates since it launched. Rather than list ’em all individually, I’ll just link to the updates page if y’all don’t mind. ;)
EVE Online – A lot of news here, the biggest being the release of Odyssey, their 19th (!) expansion pack. Keep chuggin’, CCP. There are also dev blogs talking about EVE VR and new audio transition sounds, as well as announcements on Caldari ships and military career arcs being reset. Over on The Mittani, they have so much EVE news I don’t even have time to list it all, but go check it out please. ;) Finally, Massively reports that 96% of EVE’s players are male, something CCP is juuuust fine with.
Aegis Division – I found this new game over on Kickstarter, so go check it out
We’re not done yet folks. Ooooooohh no. We have deals! First off, Amazon has launched a new indie game storefront (yay for them!), and to celebrate, they have a TON of deals going on, way too many for me to mention here, but thanks to the good folks on Reddit, you can see a list of the individual games and bundles that are currently on sale, which include a good deal of spaciness. Finally, you can get Dawnstar over on IndieGameStand for as low as $1, but more if you want extras.