Spacey Game News and Deals 5/10-14/13: The Very, Very Late Edition
Yes, You Read Right. News. ;)
Helllooooooooo my good friends. How are y’all doin’? Sorry about missing posting the news yesterday, just been a bit crazy around here, but good! Spent time with both X3: Albion Prelude and Distant Worlds: Shadows, so expect stuff on that soon (once I have time to actually write it up), and recorded a podcast to talk about Dominium, which you’ll hear soon. Now, onto the news!
Distant Worlds: Shadows – OMG, apparently we can talk about it now. How do I know this? ;) There’s a new preview from Space Sector, as well as severalnewvideosfromDas24680 (LOVE that guy) showing off the game (which will also be embedded below). I’ve been able to dive in myself recently, so I’ll have my preview up within the next couple of days, as it comes out next week!!!
EVE Online – Lots of news for this game. First, from the official site, we have dev blogs on hacking in Odyssey as well as planetary conquest changes. From The Mittani, we have more articles covering Odyssey, namely naval battleship rebalancing, dual character training and exploration, as well as a storyline primer for May, 2013.
Star Trek Online – There have been three new updates discussing the Legacy of Romulus expansion. The first covers Romulan Warbirds stats, the second looks at warp cores, and the final at console set bonuses. Whatever that means. ;)
Strike Suit Infinity – There’s a new review up from IncGamers.
Void of Darkness – Two new videos, showing all weapons and one showing cluster bombs. Both with also be embedded below.
Quintet – Their Android Kickstarter made its goal, so it’ll be coming to Android! Woohoo!
Artemis – In similar news, this bridge simulation software IS now available for Android. Woohoo! ;)
Beyond Beyaan – There’s a new progress update that talks about how…progress on the game is going. ;)
Retrobooster – There’s a new updated demo out with a bunch of new bug fixes. I really need to give this a whirl again, now that I have a gamepad. :)
AI War – There’s a new update entitled “So I Rewired It” which contains work going into the next major revision of the game, version 7.0. They’re calling it a “foundational upheavel”.
Icarus Ascends – These guys have their own website now! Yay!
Galaxial – There’s a new update on ship fitting, which looks nifty.
And Here the Wheel – There’s a new podcast episode up by the author of the official novel of Elite: Dangerous. Check it out.
Whew, that’s a heckuva lot of news, but we’re not done! We also have DEALS!
The folks behind Show me The Games are having a huge sale, which you go to their site and get codes for discounts. This includes:
Smugglers V! for $5 off
Beat Hazard Ultra for 50% off
Space Pirates and Zombies for 50% off
Evochron Mercenary for 40% off
As part of a larger Deep Silver Sale, you can get these games on Green Man Gaming for a discount (the deals aren’t available in my region, so I apologize, but I can’t see the prices):
X3: Albion Prelude for 50% off
X3: Albion Prelude Gold (which includes Terran Conflict) for 50% off
X3: Superbox for 50% off
Green Man Gaming also has an EVE Online starter pack for $4.99
Finally, in unrelated news, the Kickstarter for CDF Ghostship has begun. The dev is a really nice guy who frequents our forums, so I wanted to do him a solid. ;)
Thanks for reading guys and gals, and have an awesome day!