Spacey Game News and Deals 3/9-11/13: A Mish Mash of Stuff
Two Things I Need a LOT of Right Now…
Hey folks, happy Monday! I hope y’all had a superb weekend! There’s a TON of stuff to get through today, so we’re not gonna dilly dally, rather we’ll just get right through it:
Endless Space – Lots of news for this one today! First, the Virtual Awakening add-on has been released, followed by the news they’ve sold 300,000 units! Wow! Then, the folks at iGameRadio have an audio review of the Mac version of the game, and finally it’s on sale on Steam as one of their week long sales.
StarDrive – Plenty for this one too. We have previews from Space Sector and Out of Eight, as well as well as the first part of a Let’s Play video series from legendary Let’s Play creator Das24680. All videos will be embedded below, including these. Stay tuned for my preview also, which I hope to have by the end of this week or early next. ;)
Void of Darkness – First, on our forum, the lead developer is looking for some help alpha testing the game. Then, on the game’s official site, there are some various updates concerning the game’s progress.
Angular Velocity – Sadly these guys lost their update server, but according to this update it’s all being sorted out.
StarLife – We now get to find out more about the ominous Empire in the game. I wouldn’t wanna run into one in a dark alley…
EVE Online – The official site has a new cover story that’s lengthy but looks neat based on my skimming. The Mittani have their usual slew of awesome articles, this time covering EFT tanking and the destruction of the NCDOT carrier fleet at their own hand. Wow.
Star Citizen – Polygon has an interview with Chris Roberts about the Occulus Rift and other fun stuff. The official site has a general update with news on a new avatar, new forum and other coolness.
Imperium Galactica Stargazer – There’s a new forum on their site with a small Q&A for y’all to read which hopefully answers some common questions about the new game.
Ring Runner – There’s a new post on their Kickstarter discussing a new Sage’s Challenge, pendants and more!
Vendetta Online – There’s a new update which basically includes a ton of little fixes.
Now, onto deals! There are a few besides the Endless Space one above. Here goes!
Galaxy on Fire II HD is going for $6.80 as Steam’s daily deal today. TOTALLY worth it.
Gratuituous Space Battles Complete Pack — which doesn’t appear to includes the latest DLC, but EVERYTHING else — is $5.25 on GamersGate. That’s a freaking steal.
Finally, in related news, a gentleman named Joseph Ybarra — who was one of the co-founders of EA and helped produce Starflight, Alien Legacy and other spacey games — has a new planet colonization game on Kickstarter called Shackleton Crater that y’all should take a gander at.