Spacey Game News and Deals 2/28-3/1/13: WEEEEEKEND YEAHHHHHHHH *guitar riff*
Insert Serious Newsy Music Here
Hey y’all, happy Friday! Sorry about the lack of news yesterday, but this week has been CRAAAAAAAAAZY. I’ve barely even had time to PLAY anything, let alone anything else. Ah well, it happens, but the weekend is here, which won’t leave much time for gaming for ME (goin’ out of down for a day or two), but I hope it does for you folks. ;) There’s a buncha newsy stuff since I missed yesterday, so let’s dive into it!
Endless Space – There’s a new dev blog entry showing off screnshots of a new Endless hero, who looks a lot like they’re from TRON, honestly. ;) There’s also a video showing off the early stages from the game from OfficialStuffPlus. Finally, my buddy RobC04 has a review of the game on his blog, in which he calls me “Darth Rubin” for saying the game has no soul. What a saucy bastard. Or something. ;) I command you all to head over there and harass him promptly! ;)
Void of Darkness – There’s a new blog entry on the progress of their combat prototyping. There’s also an update trying to answer gamers’ questions about the game.
Deep Space Settlement – So I saved this screenshot of a shipyard from a Twitter feed, and I’m PRETTY SURE it’s for this game, but not 100%. There needs to be a better way to do this…
StarLife – There are new screenshots of the game’s race selection screen. Looks like it’s all coming together nicely. :)
Galactose – There’s a new video showing off some updated graphics, which just look lovely. I also have a preview in the pipe for this one, so stay tuned. And yes, the game really is that crazy. ;)
Finally, this isn’t related at all, but the developer of the scary looking FPS Ghostship asked for help in promoting his game, and considering this cool looking game was made by one guy, how could I say no, so there ya go. :)
That’s it folks! I hope you have an excellent day and a wonderful weekend!