Spacey Game News 5/24-31/13: The Crap-I-Did-It-Again Edition…
Heeey guyyyyyss! Sorry about the delay with the news AGAIN! :/ It’s been a REALLY weird week. The holiday weekend REALLY kicked my ass through general lack of sleep, and I’ve really not caught up at all during the week (I love living in Los Angeles, but sometimes its temperature fluctuations can be problematic), so it’s just left me EXHAUSTED, and I’ve barely had the energy to focus on work, let alone anything else. If you’ve listened to this week’s podcast, you might notice my voice gets slurred more and more as the podcast goes on. That’s because I was just so damned tired. Thankfully I feel more awake today than I have all week (which will be ruined again this weekend ;), so I’m gonna dive in with the news, of which there’s a ton…
Void Destroyer – There’s a new Kickstarter for this neat-looking piloting/command space sim hybrid (which I totally backed). They’re also on Steam Greenlight now, and they have a new trailer, which will be embedded below (as will any other videos in this post).
Endless Space – There’s a new paid expansion on the way called Disharmony which adds a new faction, fighters and bombers and improved AI. There’s also a trailer for it.
Distant Worlds: Shadows – First off, SpaceSector is having a contest where you can win ALL of the Distant Worlds stuff, so go enter if you don’t own it all already! Next, Das24680 has two newvideos showing off pre-warp empire play. He’s not alone though! There’s a series of videos by YouTube user Firestarter showing off pirate gameplay. There’s also a series of videos by mstWeal showing off the game setup (so far at least).
Quintet – There’s a new Trio ship announced on their Kickstarter (which has been funded, yay!), and a video to go with it.
EVE Online – Lots of news here, first on the official site, which has news on upcoming Steam integration as well as news on a single sign on for their multiple sites and a look at probe scanning in Odyssey. On The Mittani, they have a video review of probing changes in Odyssey, a look at further changes in exploration, news of the loss of a Titan by Tribal Band as well as the battle of 1-SMEB and a look at propaganda in the game.
Kerbal Space Program – A new version of the game, 0.20.1, has been released, and you can now also access previous versions as well, which is cool. There’s also a new version of the KSP Weekly, which I wasn’t aware of until this one, and is pretty awesome.
Epic Space Game – There’s a new update which adds things such as sector claiming.
Star Conflict – There’s a new update which further balances the game and adds a missiles to covert ops interceptors. There’s also a new dev diary with further updates on the game.
StarMade – There’s a new dev build available for us to all check out (and I totally need to). This includes new textures, bug fixes and ruins to check out.
AI War – There are two new patches, entitled “Bonus Tricks” and “Dire Protector” which mostly add new ship tipes and other stuff in preparation for the upcoming expansion.
GoD Factory: Wingmen – Apparently this game will also be available for Mac as well as PC. Yay!
HOLY CRAP that’s it. I really need to get back into a regular schedule of doing this because it takes FOREVER doing it this piled-up way. Have a great weekend y’all!
Edit: Just after I posted this, I saw that FTL is Steam’s deal of the day, selling for $4.99 until tomorrow morning. If you don’t already have this, GET IT.