Space Game News and Deals 3/13-19/13: Serious Ketchup Needed
Helllloooo everyone! SOOO SORRY I’ve been lax on posting the news, but I’ve been just SO busy and SO tired I’ve barely had a break for anything else. In fact, that TIE Fighter video below was pretty much all I’ve had energy for recently until now, thankfully. I’m finally feeling more awake and human, and need to get both you folks AND myself informed as to the latest spacey gamey stuff going on, so let’s dive in, it’s pretty deep.
Escaping Titan – The Kickstarter for the Escaping Titan rulebook collection has launched, and has a very modest funding fee which will, I believe, help fund the game itself. I know I’m kicking to it, are you? ;) These guys will also be on the next episode of the podcast, so stay tuned!
Weird Worlds – This awesome, AWESOME game is now on Steam! YAY! Go get it! :)
I.O.U: Isle of Universe – Thanks to Demorve on Quarter to Three for pointing this out to me. Over on Steam Greenlight, there’s an interesting looking game called I.O.U: Isle of Universe which I’d never heard of before, but looks nifty as heck, so I’ma keep an eye out on it. :) You can see a video of the game in action after the cut.
Starflight II – The CRPG Addict has postedseveralentries covering his look at the game, which are all fantastic reads as usual. :) If you’ve not played this, they’re VERY spoilery, FYI, so proceed with caution.
EVE Online – Holy crap, lots of articles on this one. The official site has stories on The Angel Project and a dev blog on the war on bots. The Mittani has a look at the The Burning Life novel, two articles on the use of carriers, and various articles covering the TEST Alliance, EVE University’s head resigning, incoming planetary ownership in Dust, Li3 Alliance having its wallet stolen, a look at the revised Black Ops system, and a look at the old Naglfar cap ship. Whew!
Star Conflict – The Mittani also has an article on getting started in the game. There’s also a small Q&A on the official site.
Kerbal Space Program – Version 0.19 has been released which includes Linux support, atmospheric effects, new parts and a lot more. I need to make another video of this ASAP.
AI War – There’s a new update entitled “Core Foamhammer” which adds new versions of eighteen ships.
Limit Theory – There’s a new progress update over on the the game’s forum which, as always, is a great read.
StarDrive – To help make up for my own lack of a preview (SORRY, been so busy), I present to you this comical Let’s Play forum series.
Angular Velocity – There’s are a couple of progress updates as well as a new video, which will be under the cut below.
StarStrategy – The lead developer is looking for help with some graphics for the game. There’s also a new screenshot, new video, and some progress updates.
Void of Darkness – There’s a new call for alpha testers, and a new video to gawk at as well!
Miner Wars 2081 – There’s a new update for the game which apparently includes the source code!
Drox Operative – JUST UNDER THE WIRE. Just as I was about to post this story, I saw there’s a new patch for the game which adds…new colors on some ships…oh, and a bug.
WHEW! I need a nap! Have a good one folks, and I’ll try to make these more regular in the coming week, but don’t be surprised if I miss a day or two, as I’m just swamped. :/ Thanks for visiting and reading, as always, and have a great day!