Usually this sort of thing would go into the Spacey Snippets, but it’s so cool I thought it deserved a post of its own. The folks at The Escapist have crafted their own space sim timeline entitled, “From X-Wing to X3: Space Combat Sim Timeline“, which is pretty cool. It starts at SpaceWar!, as it should, and covers many sims up to the upcoming Sol: Exodus, skipping a bunch along the way, but they hit most of the heavy hitters of the genre. Check it out when you have a moment.
Space Combat Sim Timeline on The Escapist
Brian Rubin 12/08/2011 5 Comments on Space Combat Sim Timeline on The Escapist
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Author: Brian Rubin
Cool, though the amount of typos is astounding to me.
Why does everybody forget I-War 2? Easily #3 behind Tie Fighter and Elite.
Or hell, even the first I-War? It also skirts over some of the few space sims released in the last 10 years such as the Starshatter games, the Evochron games, several Russian/European games like Precursors, The Tomorrow War and so on.
Very cool. But it also highlights how barren the last 10 years have been for good Space Combat Sims.
This is sadly also true. :/