Friends, welcome to Wednesday. I actually began writing this yesterday in the thought that I could write everything today, but there’s so much news, I’m just spent, so today is just gonna be a news post, and I’ll return more to form tomorrow. Thanks y’all!
- Star Wars: Empire at War got a huge surprise multiplayer patch, and you can read the full press release here. It’s so great when companies are able to support these older games like this.
- Battlestar Galactica Deadlock’s devs have posted a pretty awesome and extensive roadmap for what’s coming next for what could be the space game of 2017. Seriously, again y’all, it’s that good.
- Wing Commander: Flat Universe has a live multiplayer server now, and you can sign up for free here!
- Shortest Trip to Earth has launched its IndieGoGo campaign!
- Remnants of the Precursors hit its alpha 4 milestone recently, and already has five patches worth of fixes to go along with it. The big feature of this new alpha is a playable Mrrshan race!
- Space Rangers HD just got a MASSSSSIVE balance patch which fixes and adds SO MANY NEW THINGS you guys.
- Star Fleet Armada has a massive patch with a ton of bugfixes, and a smaller hotfix to miss some of the bugs that cropped up once the patch dropped.
- Predestination got a freaking huge patch that changes the main menu, adds more underlying systems and much more!
- Helium Rain got its new stations update which not only makes stations prettier and bigger, but brings economy fixes along with it!
- Space Pirates and Zombies 2 has launched their “almost there” update which brings them even closer to release!
- Interstellar Transport Company now supports Mac and Linux as part of its latest patch!
- Alliance of the Sacred Suns has a new dev diary talking about how the universe and its planets are generated.
- Space Impossible has a development diary on its next alpha, Alpha 10, and it looks sweeeeet.
- Interstellar Rift has a massive new patch that adds a ton of stuff, and a dev diary talking about the new flight engine that goes along with it.
- Gangs of Space dropped a small patch that, among other things, fixed issues like this one. ;) It also lets you see a history of past conquests.
- The Spatials: Galactology has a new dev blog about its updated build system.
- Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls got a patch that fixes a bunch of things, and this massssssive patch which adds and fixes a billion things.
- Dimension Drive has one more patch in the bag before launching NEXT MONTH! YAY!
- Galactic Crew — which I JUST got and have yet to try — got a big patch which adds things like pausing, camera controls and more!
- Star Waker — which I still need to acquire — got a patch with a lot of quality of life fixes.
- Avalon: The Journey Begins got a massive new update, with new creatures and more!
- Vendetta Online got a new patch with a larger demo sector, modern Mac support and more.
- Starship Corporation got the teensiest of patches which fixes like, two things. It also got a slightly larger patch which fixed a few more things.
- Starway Fleet fixed its god damned joystick problem! Yay!?
- Legends of Azulgar has launched a roadmap of the game, and also has a glimpse of what the next update will have in store for us in a new trailer. They also made a massive update to the game recently, which you can read about here. This also coincides with new enemies and more.
- I’m Titanium has a fairly sizeable update that adds and fixes a bunch of stuff.
- No Man’s Sky got another hefty patch. I might need to actually get a copy of this thing at some point.
- Slizer Battle Management System can now be successfully downloaded.
- Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition has online saves and more as part of its latest patch.
- Stellaris has released info on its upcoming Synthetic Dawn expansion.
- Thrust & Shoot : Flight School now has missions! Yay!
- Finally, Concept Ships has some lovely ships from Sheng Lam.