Thanks to Scotten on Quarter to Three for this tip. According to this post on the Matrix Games forum, Distant Worlds and its expansions (The Return of the Shakturi and Legends are going on sale for two weeks to celebrate the release of a huge update for Legends. From the thread:
To celebrate this huge update, we are placing all Distant Worlds titles on sale for two weeks, starting today and ending on September 4th, at 33% off! That means that Distant Worlds, which is normally $39.99 for the download price, will now be $26.99 and the two expansions are reduced to $16.99 from their normal download price of $24.99! This is a great opportunity to pick up that extra expansion you’ve been waiting on or jump into the whole series.
This means you can get the whole kit and caboodle for around $60, MUCH cheaper than the usual price of $90 for the whole kit. If you’ve been eyeing this game, I beg you, I IMPLORE you to buy it at this lower price to tell Matrix you support these lower prices (and also to get this awesome game, of course). Thanks, and enjoy!!!
Their servers can barely keep up with the traffic!
Welcome to the blog, Admiral, and that is AWESOME! :-)
What I’m curious about is whether this is just about buying the three game series ending with Legends or if there is a new improvement TO Legends.
Yeah, what Doug said. HUGE patch out for Legends yesterday.
Purchased! I’ve been looking at Distant Worlds for a while, but other things (rent, food, medical expenses, etc.) kept getting in the way. At the moment, I’m not exactly flush with spare cash, but I have enough for this.
Installing now – the last patch for Legends is taking _forever_, since I went over my monthly data limit with the patch before. On the one hand, no excess charges – on the other, slower-than-dialup speeds once you go over.
Woohooooo, enjoy!!!
Wild_Bill – this includes a substantial patch to Legends. I’ve been playing the betas and there are some big improvements.
You’re right Doug! Right after I posted I checked for an update and found (had been a Beta), down loaded it and …awww crap! I lost my saved games! I’m going to see if they’re hiding somewhere else in my computer. I really hate loosing them because I was actually winning my last one. HA! The new features look really great.
Check the AppData folder in your User folder, assuming you’re on Win7. My saved games are in AppData\Roaming\Code Force Limited\Distant Worlds. Each game version has its own saved games folder. Just move the game into the new\SavedGames folder.
Thanks for catching that, Doug. I’d not have been able to answer until I got home. It’s weird that they do that, maybe they don’t want save games used across different versions…
Yep, that’s exactly it, Brian. Generally speaking if the version difference isn’t huge (say to} it doesn’t seem to be a huge issue. For much larger version differences, it’s very likely that the save won’t run correctly or might even crash the game. Then again, it might not! Pretty much have to give it a try to tell.
Thanks Doug. I got the same info on the DW forum. I’ve tried ever way I can on the search but cannot find it. I DID find a ‘Saved Games’ folder, but it was empty. I was going from version to the so there shouldn’t have been that much of a gap anyway. It’s not big deal and the fault is probably my own (just switched to Win 7 from XP on another computer) but I can’t get the search to find what I’m looking for.
Thanks again guys.
Update. I’m not sure exactly what I was doing wrong but after trying it a couple of different ways it finally worked. My saved games from have successfully been transferred to and appear to be working fine. Once again, thank all of you for your help.
Rock on!
really? no fooling? thought i’d never see the day these games went on sale.
I know, it’s rare, but it happens!
LOL! It’s about time too! I’ll purchasing it at the end of the month so I can camouflage it with expenses—so the missus wont go ballistic on ‘another game purchase’. :D I’m glad that Matrix relented even if it’s just 33%—I’ll fork over $60 rather than the bloated $90. Plus, I’d like to think that we space-gamers/consumers had some sort of influence by letting them know the pricing basically sucked this long after post-release of the original. Anywho, I cant wait to play & go into ‘gaming-hibernation’ as the wife says… hehe. ;)
Hahaha, yay, enjoy!!
Wanted to buy both expansions, but apparently I cannot download DW again and of course I haven’t made a backup. :(
Welcome to the blog, Goomich! Now, have you written Matrix Games support or asked on their forums? They’re usually pretty good about responding to these requests.
Now I feel dumb…
Aawww, why man? Nothing to feel dumb about. :/