Hey guyyyys, I’m still buried under work, but this is a big deal so I wanted to touch upon it. Remember how the CCP folks had an Oculus Rift dogfighting game tech demo thingy a while back at FanFest? Welp, according to IGN, it’s now going to be an actual game coming in 2014, entitled EVE: Valkyre. Little is know right now except, based on this trailer, it looks awesome. ;) More coming as I get it.
EVE: Valkyrie Is Now Apparently a Thing, Coming in 2014
Brian Rubin 08/20/2013 5 Comments on EVE: Valkyrie Is Now Apparently a Thing, Coming in 2014
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Author: Brian Rubin
Bad ass!
Oooooooh purdy…
Way interesting! It if works well it could be like a combination of the seat-of-you-pants piloting from JumpGate with the depth and involvement of EVE. This could be awesome. It could also be a massive balls-up-disaster. Only time will tell but I plan to keep an eye on it.
I doubt that Valkyrie and Eve will take place in the same realm. What happens to your first person dogfight experience when Time Dilation kicks in and everything starts moving in bullet time?
My excitement for this is purely abstract. I’m glad to get another space sim and I’m glad to see CCP doing something more actiony with their internet spaceships.
On the other hand, I have precisely zero interest in the Oculus, and Valkyrie is sure to be a twitch-based multiplayer PvP title. I sucked at those *before* my reflexes got old and dodgy. :P