Friends, our next podcast falls exactly on Valentine’s Day, so in honor of that auspicious holiday, I’m launching a contest: Write a love letter to your favorite space game! We talked about this on last night’s podcast, but here’s the skinny:
Please write or record (in MP3 format preferably) a love letter in any style (except dirty, nothing dirty, because ew) to your favorite space game. While it can, indeed, be in any style, please know that on the podcast, we’ll be reading/playing it likely in the style of Civil War letters, as you can see here. ;) These can be as short or as long as you want, but 2-4 paragraphs is likely the ideal length. The letter can be to the game itself, a character in the game, or whatever else you might come up with. Be creative!
Once you’re happy with your entry, please email them to me at contests@spacegamejunkie.com. I’ll be taking entries up until noon, Pacific time, on Tuesday, February 14th, so you have about a week to get those entries in.
I’ve got keys for plenty of games and such (because I don’t do enough contests), so rather than have specific games for the top three letters, I’ll contact the winners and let them choose the key to the game they want one by one (i.e. grand prize winner gets first pick, second place gets second pick, etc). That way I’m not offering a key to a game you already own, and it’ll hopefully be something you actually want. I’ve got keys for stuff like Avorion, Empyrion, Space Pirates and Zombies 2, BossConstructor, Space Engineers and more!
Thanks for entering the contest, y’all, and I can’t wait to read or hear your entries! Good luck, now get writing!