Categories: Miscellaneous

Off Topic: Life Slowing Me Down

I’ll be on This Road for a Spell :/

I dunno if y’all have been wondering where I’ve been, but you might’ve noticed I’ve been slack on answering emails, comments, making new posts and so on. This is because life is CRAAAAAAAAAZY right now, for two main reasons:

  1. I’ve been moved to a new role at my job, which I love a loooooooot more, but at the same time, is easily many times the workload, so while previously I would have time to work on articles during my lunch break and stuff, lately I’ve not had that opportunity, and likely won’t for a couple more weeks yet. Compound that with…
  2. In a few weeks, my wonderful and supportive girlfriend is moving in with me, so I’ll also be helping her pack, move, taking care of new leases and so on, followed by unpacking, rearranging and so on.

So for at least the next month, I am gonna be busy as all get out. Typically I work on my blog in the evenings after work, but lately I’ve just not had the energy to do so, and for that I apologize. I love this blog and all of you wonderful folks that visit it, but for a while I’m gonna have save what energy I have for other matters until I have more mental energy to devote to this wonderful blog.

I hope y’all understand and continue to visit. I’ll update when I can with at least the news snippets, but new articles are going to be a trickle for a short while. I’ll try to respond to comments, emails and forum posts as I can, but there will likely be delays in that as well. I just wanted to give y’all a heads up so you’ll understand why there might be bits of radio silence for a spell.

Thanks to everyone who visits, comments and so on, I appreciate you all so very much, as this blog would be nothing without the community here. :) Take care, and have an awesome day/week/month. ;)

Brian Rubin

Published by
Brian Rubin

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