Hey y’all, how are ya? I hope you’re all having an enjoyable Sunday. :) I’m writing because I’ve been thinking a lot about my reviews and previews on this site and how to try to do them more effectively. First off, to the developers and PR folks who have sent me copies of their games which I’ve yet to cover, thank you for your patience. I’m trying to make sure no games have fallen through the cracks, and have updated my coming soon list on the sidebar to hopefully reflect every new and upcoming game I’ve been sent that still is waiting for coverage.
This will hopefully help make me publicly accountable for game coverage of games currently coming out or in production. By putting my feet to the fire, this will serve as a constant reminder of the work I have to do to give every game developer their due. ;) Please note some games might not be on this list due to timeliness, such as StarDrive, which I plan to do another preview of soon since folks are asking me about it. ;) Please know, though, that I WILL get to your game, and I again ask and thank you for your patience as I go through them all. Also, if you’re someone who has sent me a game, and you don’t see it on my coming soon list, please feel free to comment below or contact me directly and slap my wrist to remind me. ;)
Secondly, in all the madness to cover new and upcoming games as best I can, I’ve lost sight of the list of games that was part of the impetus to create this site in the first place, the next on the list being 1978’s Super Star Trek. To that end, I’ve decided that I’m going to tackle the list on a concurrent basis with covering new and upcoming games as well, to hopefully kill two birds with one stone. This means after a review of a new game or a preview of an upcoming game, you might see a review of a classic slipped in as well.
I hope these changes make sense for both readers and developers, and I hope it leads to a more enjoyable experience for everyone as a whole. In closing, I want to again thank you for visiting my little love letter to space gaming here, as every individual visit I get, every comment I see and every email I receive all mean the world to me. You all are a source of constant joy in my life, and I don’t think I can thank you all enough for that. :) Thanks again, and have a great day. :)
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