Hey folks, blogging is gonna be put on hold this week because I had a very problematic case migration with my PC this past weekend, and had to reinstall Windows as a last resort. It was a pain in the ass, and I’m not sure if it’s all still stable yet, so until I am, I’m not gonna be doing any videos or anything.
If you’re interested, here’s what happened. Since moving to a new place without AC, I’ve been looking to get a new case that can make the PC run a bit cooler. I recently got a Corsair 500r case for just that reason, and this past Saturday moved everything over. PSU, motherboard, GPU, you name it. When I initially did a test, and the PC POSTed, I was thrilled. When I plugged in my primary SSD, and got a DISK BOOT FAILURE error, not so much. I spent pretty much the entirety of the weekend trying to figure out why I could no longer boot to Windows on my SSD. Eventually, I had to fully reinstall a clean version of Windows 7, which means I’m gonna have to reinstall everything. Games, utilities, productivity stuff, everything.
I also have to make sure it’s stable. It was randomly rebooting here and there, but THAT issue might be solved. Now I need to figure out whatever else might be causing stability issues, if anything. I tell ya folks, I was pretty much in tears over this yesterday. I’m feeling drained just THINKING about it. You can read my increasingly frustrated and agitated Tweets about the entire thing on my Twitter Feed, along with all the awesome help I was getting on our Facebook Group.
Anyway, so yeah, until I’m all up and running properly, we’re on hold. I apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for visiting.
What? You didn’t switch to your gaming laptop? or backup computer?
Are you serious?
hahaha…100%. I have a MSi laptop and a i7 desktop for backup. I might actually have to do some work around the house if i didn’t have my computers to keep me busy. (Either that or start drinking)
This is gonna sound snippy, so forgive me, I’m low on sleep, caffeine and patience, but…why would you just assume I had those things?
With this awesome website to manage i naturally assume you would. No?
HAhaha, well thank you, but no, I have one primary PC on which I do nearly everything. I doooo have a netbook but it’s not suited to this sort of thing at all. That’s why this past weekend was so frustrating.
My sympathies, we have all been there man.
The other week it took 10 minutes to install a 212 EVO fan. Then 4 hours to figure out why I can’t boot.
Computers! Feh. I ended up installing Windows on a new SSD the other week too because Kerbal Space Program was crashing all the time; my machine had been glitchy with the graphics driver crashing randomly, and the final straw had been my old boot SSD (60GB — Guess how old THAT is?) running out of space during Windows system updates.
So I ended up installing a new SSD (win, big ones are getting pretty affordable these days) and installing Win 8 (ehhhhhh) and doing lots of debugging and so forth, expecting I’d be buying a new graphics card RSN (I wanted to go up to 4k, too, even though it’s not really ready, I guess, but that wold require a new graphics card, too). But turns out that the graphics driver crashes were fixed by turning off power savings settings in the card and turning off sleep on idle; turns out there are known problems with NVidia cards doing that, especially my old GTX470. So, didn’t have to buy a new graphics card (yay! Although that also means no 4k or 5k… But I really shouldn’t have been spending money on that right now anyway). And the crazy-making graphics driver crashes were finally fixed.
Of course, Kerbal Space Program still crashes all the time, but at least it’s not my system. But also I’m totally addicted to it and can’t stop playing; I guess I look at all the bugs as just more engineering problems to overcome. One day I’ll get around to writing the cross platform TSC2, but as ready as I am to do that otherwise, that day is not today. >_>
Thanks for the support guys, the PC seems to be running okay, but I’m not 100% sure about it yet. If it lasts the rest of the week without any more major issue, I won’t shell out for a new, pre-built PC. Otherwise, it goes out the fucking window. ;)
I fixed it for him. “Have you tried turning it off and back on again?”