Thanks to Hugin over on Quarter to Three (wherein we’re having a vigorous discussion over which Enterprise is the best. The correct answer is, the original Refit model ;). During the discussion, Hugin mentioned a video from a recent installment of Vividcon, which is a con dedicated to fan videos covering various movies, TV shows and so on. This video uses the song “Starships” from Nicki Minaj to highlight some of our favorite starships around, and their crews, and it’s AMAZING. Even though it’s password protected, I’ve graciously been given permission from the video’s insanely talented author, bironic, to share it with you guys. :) The password is “starships”, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have, even after several rewatches! :)
Home » Miscellaneous » Off-Topic, Kinda: Amazing Starships Video
Off-Topic, Kinda: Amazing Starships Video
Brian Rubin 08/19/2012 10 Comments on Off-Topic, Kinda: Amazing Starships Video
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Author: Brian Rubin
Ok, that was a freaking hoot and a half. Thanks for posting. For those that are curious about the music and the original video, check out Nicki Minaj and Starships on You Tube. ( )
Oh, and the comma should be outside the quotes. :-)
Welcome to the blog, zircher, and thanks for catching that, it’s been fixed. :)
I’m sorry, but I think that the “music” is crap. We are talking about spaceships, not toys, we need something epic!
I dunno if I’d like this song on its own, but that’s not the point, it’s the amazing editing, so let’s enjoy that. ;-)
Keep in mind this was originally created for the video wall of a dance party at a convention. It’s supposed to be a fun geeky video you can dance to, not the ultimate epic treatise on space opera.
That was fun… ima do it again *presses replay*
Wait. Which clip is from Dune?
At 00:54, Guild transporter. Not the most attractive FX shot.
Welcome to the blog zb, and thanks for the clarification!
Got a big fat grin out of me. As for the song, better starships than a G6.