So as much as I love space games — they’re my first true love in gaming — I also love all types of games, from strategy to role playing to driving to action adventure and nearly everything in between (except sports, haaaate sports unless it’s some violent future/fantasy sport like Blood Bowl). As much as I just love, love, love space games, I’ll play a wide variety of games. I do this because not only do I not want to burn out on space games, but because there are honestly so many dang great games out there. I figured then, why not talk about the other games we’re playing every so often to add some more color to the place? ;)
For me, since last week, it’s been Torchlight II, as much as I can fit in. I really like ARPGs (except for the Diablos, honestly, they never clicked with me) like Din’s Curse, Nox, Fate and Torchlight, so it makes sense that I would love the sequel, AND I DO. I’m only six hours into it, but wow am I loving it. My Embermage is at level 19 on veteran mode and I am just having a BLAST. It’s really a well-crafted, visceral and satisfying ARPG that any fan of the genre needs to own.
The week before it came out I was just starting to play the first Borderlands game, since I now have a rig that will run it. Fun time! I’m playing as a Hunter type character focusing mostly on sniping skills. I love sniping in shooters. LOVE it. I eventually got so good at it in Unreal Tournament years ago that I was accused of being a cheater. Facing Worlds FTW! ;)
I’ve also been toying with A Valley Without Wind, which I didn’t like at first during the beta, but now am really enjoying since the folks at Arcen have made it much more focused with shopping lists, visible goals and so on. Even with those features, it still feels a bit overwhelming, so I’ve been taking it in small doses. I’m also sneaking in a game or two of Frozen Synapse.
So what non-spacey games have been taking up your time?
PS. If you’re wondering where my space gaming time has been going to, just stay tuned. I’m working on a review and preview at the moment, plus I have some Q&As in the pipeline. Don’t worry, the primary focus of this site will ALWAYS be on spacey gaming no matter what, I just thought it’ll be fun to bring the discussion of what non-space games we’re playing to the front page every so often. :) Have a great day y’all!
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