Sure, it Has a Spaceship, But...
Hey y’all, I’ve been getting asked repeatedly why there’s no No Man’s Sky coverage on my site. I know my motto is, “If it has a spaceship, I’ll play it.” but in this case.
I just. Do. Not. Care.
Seriously, I’ve watched videos and it looks SO boring. I’ve asked three different people at different times for keys, and have heard nothing back. I really don’t feel like spending $60 for a game when I can already play Empyrion and look to get apparently a better experience on the whole.
So if I get a key eventually for the game, or it goes down to maybe $10, I’ll likely play it, but until then, it’s unlikely I’ll cover the game because I’ve got plenty of other stuff to cover that, I feel, is far deserving of both your and my time.
Thanks folks.
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