So recently I said I was gonna do a few previews, and even listed them on the site. Welp, I tried to preview a few games and found them…not up to snuff. First, neither Star Supremacy and Planet War had any kind of direct spaceship control, so they were disqualified. Then, I tried Starjack Online, but a broken tutorial — how can I extract minerals on that planet when there AREN’T any, dangit? — and seemingly no community turned me off, so I’m dropping that as well. Now I’ll be moving onto Moon Breakers as well as starting my review, finally, of Distant Worlds – Legends. Stat tuned!!
Home » Miscellaneous » Another One…or Three…Bite the Dust…
Another One…or Three…Bite the Dust…
Brian Rubin 02/15/2012 2 Comments on Another One…or Three…Bite the Dust…
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Author: Brian Rubin
Yeah, I wasn't so sure about Star Supremacy, but was curious to see what you had to say about it. I've played many, many of these, so called, browser based mmo space games. Most of them are the same, or very similar and I've gotten sick of them.
Anywho, quick site suggestion. I love the coming soon widget you have, but would it be possible to include links to the game's website? Just would help us lazy folks out. :)
Welcome to the site, and that is a FANTASTIC idea. Totally gonna do that when I have some time, maybe on my lunch break once I write out the snippets.