SGJ Podcast #56: A Better Universe Through Mining in Space Salvager

Pew Pew Pew!
Pew Pew Pew!

Hello folks, and welcome to this week’s Space Game Junkie Podcast! This week, Jim and I sit down with the developer of the fun, open worldy space game Space Salvager, Sam Albon, to talk about his game, developing on XNA, the British school system and a lot more. We did this at 6 AM my time, so I’m a bit…woozy, I guess is the best term, so I apologize for not being as on point as I could’ve been. ;) Regardless, it was a really fun discussion covering what is a really fun game that you should all play. ;)

As always, we welcome your comments below as well as your emails at Thanks for listening, and enjoy! :)

Author: Brian Rubin

3 thoughts on “SGJ Podcast #56: A Better Universe Through Mining in Space Salvager

  1. I’ve just grabbed all the podcasts, renamed and retagged them all for consistency (track numbers match episode numbers, full title in the title field, dates and so forth. Let me know if you want them.

  2. Not aware of games that let you throw asteroids? Just wagering a guess you guys never played Battleships Forever?
    In terms of deep, 2D modular space combat, it doesn’t get a whole lot better than this. Unfortunately not in active development, there’s still a sizable chunk of content considering it has more than just a campaign.

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