There are lots of sales of space games accross multiple digitial distribution sites today, such as:
- Show me the games — a site wherein all the proceeds from sales go to the developers — has games such as AI War: Fleet Command, Gratuitous Space Battles, Smugglers IV, Space Pirates and Zombies, Evochron Mercenary, and Starscape for 50% off each. Check out their sale page for more info.
- Impulse has quite a lot on sale today, including a Gratuitous Space Battles Collector’s Edition, an AI War Alien Bundle, an AI War/Gratuitous Space Battles Pack, Freespace 2, Independence War 2 – Edge of Chaos and a Master of Orion Collection.
- Finally, GamersGate has a ton of spacey goodness on sale, including Evochron Mercenary, a Space Empire Bundle with Space Empires IV and V, Star Ruler, Really Big Sky, Space Rangers 2 and its expansion Space Rangers 2 Reboot, Star Wolves 3: Civil War and a Mass Effect Complete bundle.
That’s a ton of sales, my friends, so if you’ve been putting off getting some of these amazing games, don’t dawdle and get ’em while the getting’s good. Enjoy!