Edit 2:Updated as of Black Friday morning with more deals.
Edit 1: This looks like a handily dandily tool to keep track of this stuff. Hope y’all find it helpful. :)
And we’re off! Once again, Steam is giving us the opportunity to throw money at them with another huge sale, the Steam Autumn Sale! So big, it deserves its own post! ;) Now, I don’t know all of the deals as I don’t have the time or energy to go through EEEEEVERYTHANG, but here’s the spacey game deals I did find (and please feel free to mention others in the comments.
First off, there’s an indie games sale which includes the following spacey game deals:
- FTL for $9.99 or with its soundtrack for $13.98. This one could be glitchy since the sale just began.
- Gemini Wars for $11.99
- Gratuitous Space Battles Complete Pack for $9.49 (or 75% off the individual game and 50% off each piece of DLC). This one is a STEAL.
- Galaxy on Fire II HD for $9.99, which is fantastic.
- Endless Space for $14.99 for the Admiral Edition, $17.49 for the Emperor Special Edition, and $1.70 to upgrade the Admiral to the Emperor Edition.
As for individual games, the ones I know of so far are:
- Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion for $19.99
- Star Wolves for $6.49
- Star Wolves 2 for $9.99
- Star Wolves 3: Civil War for $9.99
- Space Pirates and Zombies for $3.40
- Evochron Mercenary for $14.99
- X Superbox for $19.99 (or individual games for 50% off)
- Star Ruler for $3.99
- Galactic Civilizations I Ultimate Edition for $6.69
- Galactic Civilizations II Ultimate Edition for $13.99
- Aces of the Galaxy (never heard of this one) for $7.49
- Starpoint Gemini for $6.24
- EVE Online: Inferno for $9.99
- SOL: Exodus for $2.49
- Armada 2526 for $2.99
- Lunar Flight for $2.49
- AI War Fleet Command for $2.49 on its own, or $4.24 for a bundle with most of its DLC.
- Darkstar One for $3.39. This is also included in the Patricians and Merchants pack for $1.99. Thanks Gorath!
- Stellar Impact for $2.49
- Nexus: The Jupiter Incident for $2.49
- Space Empires V for $5.99
- Sword of the Stars Complete Collection for $9.99
- Sword of the Stars II: Lord of Winter for $9.99
- Sword of the Stars Collection for $19.99
- Gratuitous Space Battles for $3.74 and the complete pack for 9.49
- Gratuitous Battle Back (Space Battles and Tank Battles) for $14.99
- Flotilla for $4.99
So go have at it! Have fun, spend responsibly, and enjoy! Good luck, and good hunting my friends.
Ouch, my wallet!
Is this where the Steam Sale Intervention group meets?
Hahahahahaha, there so needs to be one.
You left off Sins: Rebellion from the Steam list. $19.99 there, just like it is on the other list.
And maybe, if we’re lucky, we’ll get a daily deal on it for cheaper.
Thanks man, added to the list!
FTL is normally $10, so no real sale there (outside of the fact it’s normally so cheap). Just by it already!
Pretty much, yeah.