Hey y’all, got some more deals today to share, which are as follows:
- On Steam, Kinetic Void is the deal of the day, selling for $6.80. The game is early access, but in this case, it’s VERY early, as there’s really no there there, it’s just a ship builder and an empty universe at the moment. It has potential though, so that’s what you’d be buying into.
- On ShinyLoot, we have two spacey games for sale I’ve not really heard of. First is Space War Commander for $3.00 and Space Salvager for $1.28. I, of course, purchased them both. ;) They both look nifty, but I’m keen to try Space Salvager since the words “open world” get me hot and bothered. ;)
That’s it for now folks. Enjoy! :)
They Updated Kinetic Void with some simple Missions!
“New missions: hostile encounter, search and destroy, patrol. These missions are still bare bones, but represent the building blocks for our future implementation.”
I jumped on Kinetic Void since it’s available for Linux. I’m always interested in expanding my Linuxable game library.